Tag Archives: Bizarre Foods America

Andrew Zimmern’s Take on Bizarre Foods in Seattle

Back in July, The SunBreak gave you the scoop on Andrew Zimmern’s time in Seattle shooting an episode for his new Bizarre Foods America series. We even provided a behind-the-scenes look at his visit to Maneki, where he ate some slimy but delicious Japanese food.

It’s hard to know whether Maneki made the final cut, as Zimmern goes to many places in each location, with some naturally ending up on the cutting room floor. But you can be sure that the following five highlights (teased in this video clip) will be featured in the episode which airs tonight on the Travel Channel (6 p.m. if you have HD, 9 p.m. on standard cable):

  1. Coffee: a taste of Seattle’s coffee culture, including a stop at Seattle Coffee Works
  2. Geoduck (cutely but mistakenly spelled “gooey duck” on the Travel Channel website): an experience that looks like what Bourdain did during his No Reservations shoot
  3. Modernist Cuisine: a visit to Nathan Myrhvold’s Intellectual Ventures
  4. Sea Breeze Farm: a placenta-eating, blood-drinking adventure
  5. FareStart: a chance to teach students to cook with offal while learning about this amazing organization

[Update: Maneki made it in the show as part of a segment on Asian cuisine in Seattle!]