Tag Archives: Brendan Flynn

Local Sightings Pre-Release Teases with New Talent and Films

Seattle’s own Northwest Film Forum, which runs year-round, is gearing up for the Local Sighting Film Festival, their premier showcase of films that harken to the Pacific Northwest. Beginning September 27, expect a gamut of fresh films, in addition to juried prizes,  parties galore, and talent scouts for all you filmmakers with stars in your eyes.

The pre-release launch showcased some of the new talent to keep an eye out for, including the opening night feature, Walking Against the Wind, which was personally introduced by the Seattle director, Brendan Flynn. Local Sightings calls it “bleak, mysterious, not without a certain gallows humor,” and said that it might just be “Seattle’s cinematic discovery of the year.” It opens Friday, September 27 at 8 p.m.

Check out the pre-release photos above, and the times and details on Local Sightings here.