Tag Archives: Christine Deaver

Teatro ZinZanni’s Newest Show More than Worth the Ticket

Elvis (Big Mike Geier) and the Galaxy Girls rock the Teatro ZinZanni speigeltent. (photo by William Anthony)

Let’s be up front for a moment: for the average person, an evening*at Teatro ZinZanni is something of an investment. Tickets range from $106-141, and while that includes a five-course meal, it doesn’t include your bar tab, gratuity, or the $10 per guest “dining room service charge.” And since no photography is allowed inside ZinZanni’s elaborate, romantically-lit Spiegeltent, it’ll set you back another $20 if you want a photo to remember the occasion.

Then again, ZinZanni is pretty memorable all on its own—and if you take the time to crunch the numbers, all that food plus the three-and-a-half hour accompanying show starts to look like kind of a solid deal. Bonus: how many other places in town is it not only acceptable but encouraged to don a feather boa while dining? Continue reading Teatro ZinZanni’s Newest Show More than Worth the Ticket