Tag Archives: City Arts Fest music

Rock and Roll Highlights from City Arts Fest 2012 (Photo Gallery)

Prism Tats.
Prism Tats.
Assemble Head in Sunburst Sound.
Assemble Head in Sunburst Sound.
Assemble Head in Sunburst Sound.
Fox and the Law.
Fox and the Law.
Fox and the Law.
Howlin' Rain.
Howlin' Rain
Howlin' Rain.
Ravenna Woods.
Ravenna Woods.
Ravenna Woods.
Ravenna Woods.

Prism Tats yowls for his supper. (photo by Tony Kay)

Prism Tats. (photo by Tony Kay)

Try saying it five times, fast: Assemble Head in Sunburst Sound. (photo by Tony Kay)

Assemble Head in Sunburst Sound. Then serve with electric Kool-Aid. (photo by Tony Kay)

Something in the Bay Area water breeds psychedelic bands like kaleidoscopic flies: Assemble Head in Sunburst Sound. (photo by Tony Kay)

Guy Keltner, frontman for Fox and the Law. (photo by Tony Kay)

Fox and the Law rock, they do. (photo by Tony Kay)

Guy Keltner of Fox and the Law. (photo by Tony Kay)

Still not sure if there's an apostrophe in there or not: Howlin' Rain at Barboza for City Arts Fest 2012. (photo by Tony Kay)

Ethan Miller of Howlin Rain. (photo by Tony Kay)

Howlin' Rain. (photo by Tony Kay)

Ravenna Woods' Chris Cunningham. (photo by Tony Kay)

Ravenna Woods' Brantley Duke. (photo by Tony Kay)

(photo by Tony Kay)

(photo by Tony Kay)

Prism Tats. thumbnail
Prism Tats. thumbnail
Assemble Head in Sunburst Sound. thumbnail
Assemble Head in Sunburst Sound. thumbnail
Assemble Head in Sunburst Sound. thumbnail
Fox and the Law. thumbnail
Fox and the Law. thumbnail
Fox and the Law. thumbnail
Howlin' Rain. thumbnail
Howlin' Rain thumbnail
Howlin' Rain. thumbnail
Ravenna Woods. thumbnail
Ravenna Woods. thumbnail
Ravenna Woods. thumbnail
Ravenna Woods. thumbnail

[See our previous entry for a more exhaustive report on City Arts Fest 2012, as well as more photos from the Fest.]

This year, City Arts Fest also utilized Neumo’s basement cousin Barboza, which meant that wristband holders could see two different sets (and a slew of bands) with a simple jog up and down a flight of stairs. I took advantage of the very convenient logistics to augment the hip hop action with a dose of rock.

Barboza’s Friday night line-up included ex Koko and the Sweetmeats guitarist and singer g. vandercrimp’s one-man new wave band Prism Tats (hyper, minimalist, yelpy, and really damned fun), San Francisco psychedelic rock collective Assemble Head in Sunburst Sound (think the Brian Jonestown Massacre, Cream, and Crazy Horse sharing tabs of acid and really raging on guitar), and Seattle monster-rockers Fox and the Law (a terrific heavy-rock band whose lead singer/guitarist Guy Keltner was a show all by himself). Friday Barboza headliners Howlin’ Rain (another SF outfit) balanced their stoner tendencies with a dose of Queen-style bombast and ambition.

Last but sure as hell not least, I forced myself to exit Neumo’s before Fresh Espresso’s reportedly-great set (sorry, guys) to catch Ravenna Woods pack the house at the Crocodile. There’s a reason the Woods have earned hosannahs from nearly every music journalist in the region: On a good night, they’re the best live band in Seattle, and last Friday was a very good night, indeed.

Keyboardist Sam Miller fleshed out the sound with some apt sonic cushioning, but for the lion’s share of the set it was just the band’s core. Fount-of-ingenuity Brantley Duke capably hopscotched between guitar, keyboards, and percussion, and Matt Badger’s brilliantly outside-the-box drumming propelled the music with haunting relentlessness. At front and center, Chris Cunningham remained a  guitarist of staggering skill and a frontman of evangelical energy. Oh, and they showcased some great new material from their forthcoming 2013, too. The band plays live around town with a fair amount of frequency around town, but based on their showing at City Arts Fest, it’s a fool’s game to take them for granted.

Saturday Night’s Musical Selections at City Arts Fest

It’s the final night of City Arts Fest, and plenty of great musical offerings pepper  the participating local venues.

You know the rest of the drill: Wristbands for the Fest are now sold out, but single tickets for some of the events can still be purchased at the respective venues. As always, zip on over to the City Arts Fest website for purchase details. And get out there, already.

Here’s the most essential stuff among a pretty stellar closing-night line-up.

Sam Miller, Two White Opals, Eighteen Individual Eyes, The Tempers @ The Rendezvous. Show at 8:00pm.

Capitol Hill recording studio CryBaby Studios rolls out its showcase in the cozy environs of the Rendezvous tonight. I don’t know how CryBaby in-house engineer Sam Miller plans to replicate his dense gothic piano pop live, but his darkly gorgeous singing and Broadway-Musical-in-Hell tunes will render early arrival a must. The descent down the gothic romance rabbithole continues with Two White Opals and Eighteen Individual Eyes, two evocative guitar bands that navigate swirly melodies along twisty percussive side trips. Leigh Stone’s plaintive and lush singing receives backing from Ravenna Woods’ rhythmic genius Matt Badger with the former, while Eighteen Individual Eyes scruff up the beauty of Irene Barber’s voice with an art-punk instrumental attack that makes them a lethal live act.

Electro-goth trio The Tempers headline the evening. With their unusual-for-Seattle layout of vocals, synth, and drums and an infamous flair for the theatrical, this sibling-populated outfit should be a singular experience in the flesh. Lead singer Corina Bakker is one of this ‘burg’s most charismatic figures, singing in an over-the-top croon that sounds like Patti Smith affecting Bryan Ferry after an absinthe bender.

Stephanie, Hobosexual, Hounds of the Wild Hunt, “The Rolling Stones” @ Barboza. Show at 6:30pm.

Need an infusion of rock, yet still want to get to bed at a decent hour on a Saturday night? Get the hell over to Barboza, already. Big things are being muttered about for local five-piece Stephanie, who’ve only released one 7-inch so far (they sound like Guided by Voices playing a new-wave dance party).

Occupying the middle of the evening will be two of Seattle’s best live bands: The incredible synergy between singer/guitarist Ben Harwood and drummer Jeff Silva (the two-headed rock machine known as Hobosexual) is a thing of wonder live, and Hounds of the Wild Hunt remain one of the sweatiest, throat-shreddingest, all-or-nothing rock bands in Seattle onstage. Oh, and you get a Stones cover band including members of Whalebones, Truckasauras, and Blood Brothers to close out the night, too.

DeVotchKa with the Seattle Rock Orchestra @ The Moore. Show at 9:15pm.

DeVotchKa‘s been around long enough to have influenced a whole slew of bands with their cinematic sound, equally inspired by Talking Heads, gypsy music, Ennio Morricone, and David Lynch. Whoever thought to wrap the band’s immersive music in the gilded raiments of the wonderful Seattle Rock Orchestra should be canonized (or at least bought free drinks for life).