Tag Archives: City Arts Fest photos

Rock and Roll Highlights from City Arts Fest 2012 (Photo Gallery)

Prism Tats.
Prism Tats.
Assemble Head in Sunburst Sound.
Assemble Head in Sunburst Sound.
Assemble Head in Sunburst Sound.
Fox and the Law.
Fox and the Law.
Fox and the Law.
Howlin' Rain.
Howlin' Rain
Howlin' Rain.
Ravenna Woods.
Ravenna Woods.
Ravenna Woods.
Ravenna Woods.

Prism Tats yowls for his supper. (photo by Tony Kay)

Prism Tats. (photo by Tony Kay)

Try saying it five times, fast: Assemble Head in Sunburst Sound. (photo by Tony Kay)

Assemble Head in Sunburst Sound. Then serve with electric Kool-Aid. (photo by Tony Kay)

Something in the Bay Area water breeds psychedelic bands like kaleidoscopic flies: Assemble Head in Sunburst Sound. (photo by Tony Kay)

Guy Keltner, frontman for Fox and the Law. (photo by Tony Kay)

Fox and the Law rock, they do. (photo by Tony Kay)

Guy Keltner of Fox and the Law. (photo by Tony Kay)

Still not sure if there's an apostrophe in there or not: Howlin' Rain at Barboza for City Arts Fest 2012. (photo by Tony Kay)

Ethan Miller of Howlin Rain. (photo by Tony Kay)

Howlin' Rain. (photo by Tony Kay)

Ravenna Woods' Chris Cunningham. (photo by Tony Kay)

Ravenna Woods' Brantley Duke. (photo by Tony Kay)

(photo by Tony Kay)

(photo by Tony Kay)

Prism Tats. thumbnail
Prism Tats. thumbnail
Assemble Head in Sunburst Sound. thumbnail
Assemble Head in Sunburst Sound. thumbnail
Assemble Head in Sunburst Sound. thumbnail
Fox and the Law. thumbnail
Fox and the Law. thumbnail
Fox and the Law. thumbnail
Howlin' Rain. thumbnail
Howlin' Rain thumbnail
Howlin' Rain. thumbnail
Ravenna Woods. thumbnail
Ravenna Woods. thumbnail
Ravenna Woods. thumbnail
Ravenna Woods. thumbnail

[See our previous entry for a more exhaustive report on City Arts Fest 2012, as well as more photos from the Fest.]

This year, City Arts Fest also utilized Neumo’s basement cousin Barboza, which meant that wristband holders could see two different sets (and a slew of bands) with a simple jog up and down a flight of stairs. I took advantage of the very convenient logistics to augment the hip hop action with a dose of rock.

Barboza’s Friday night line-up included ex Koko and the Sweetmeats guitarist and singer g. vandercrimp’s one-man new wave band Prism Tats (hyper, minimalist, yelpy, and really damned fun), San Francisco psychedelic rock collective Assemble Head in Sunburst Sound (think the Brian Jonestown Massacre, Cream, and Crazy Horse sharing tabs of acid and really raging on guitar), and Seattle monster-rockers Fox and the Law (a terrific heavy-rock band whose lead singer/guitarist Guy Keltner was a show all by himself). Friday Barboza headliners Howlin’ Rain (another SF outfit) balanced their stoner tendencies with a dose of Queen-style bombast and ambition.

Last but sure as hell not least, I forced myself to exit Neumo’s before Fresh Espresso’s reportedly-great set (sorry, guys) to catch Ravenna Woods pack the house at the Crocodile. There’s a reason the Woods have earned hosannahs from nearly every music journalist in the region: On a good night, they’re the best live band in Seattle, and last Friday was a very good night, indeed.

Keyboardist Sam Miller fleshed out the sound with some apt sonic cushioning, but for the lion’s share of the set it was just the band’s core. Fount-of-ingenuity Brantley Duke capably hopscotched between guitar, keyboards, and percussion, and Matt Badger’s brilliantly outside-the-box drumming propelled the music with haunting relentlessness. At front and center, Chris Cunningham remained a  guitarist of staggering skill and a frontman of evangelical energy. Oh, and they showcased some great new material from their forthcoming 2013, too. The band plays live around town with a fair amount of frequency around town, but based on their showing at City Arts Fest, it’s a fool’s game to take them for granted.

Random Highlights from City Arts Fest 2012, Hip Hop Division (Photo Gallery)

Thaddeus David.
Seattle MC Larry Hawkins.
Larry Hawkins, Seattle hip hop artist.
The Physics.
The Physics.
Mos Def.
Mos Def.
The Good Sin.
The Good Sin.
Key Nyata.
Key Nyata.
Kingdom Crumbs.
Kingdom Crumbs.
Kingdom Crumbs.

Local MC Thaddeus David at the Showbox SODO. (photo by Tony Kay)

Larry Hawkins works the crowd at the Showbox SODO. (photo by Tony Kay)

(photo by Tony Kay)

Monk Wordsmith of The Physics. (photo by Tony Kay)

Thig and Monk, sibling frontmen for The Physics. (photo by Tony Kay)

Hey, it's that guy on Dexter. No, it's Yasiin Bey. No, it's Mos Def. (photo by Tony Kay)

(photo by Tony Kay)

The Good Sin throws down at Neumo's. (photo by Tony Kay)

The Good Sin. (photo by Tony Kay)

Key Nyata: Barely old enough to vote, definitely old enough to rap. (photo by Tony Kay)

Key Nyata. (photo by Tony Kay)

Blown away by Kingdom Crumbs. (photo by Tony Kay)

Kingdom Crumbs' will be done. (photo by Tony Kay)

Kingdom Crumbs rocking Neumo's. (photo by Tony Kay)

Thaddeus David. thumbnail
Seattle MC Larry Hawkins. thumbnail
Larry Hawkins, Seattle hip hop artist. thumbnail
The Physics. thumbnail
The Physics. thumbnail
Mos Def. thumbnail
Mos Def. thumbnail
The Good Sin. thumbnail
The Good Sin. thumbnail
Key Nyata. thumbnail
Key Nyata. thumbnail
Kingdom Crumbs. thumbnail
Kingdom Crumbs. thumbnail
Kingdom Crumbs. thumbnail

City Arts Fest 2012 bounded through this neck of the woods last week, and I was lucky enough to catch some of the Fest’s highlights last Thursday and Friday.

You can go here for a more exhaustive report (and several different photos) from my two days camped out at the Showbox SODO, Neumo’s, Barboza, and the Crocodile, respectively. Meantime, here’s your Cliffs Notes from the hip hop contingency to go with the enclosed pics:

Thursday night, I caught Mos Def, as well as some great local hip hop, at the SODO. Yeah, the venue’s still one of the most annoying music spaces in town, but glass half-full time: The show was pretty awesome. In addition to basking in the glow of a hip hop royalty headliner, local MCs Thaddeus David, Larry Hawkins, and The Physics offered Mos Def solid support.

Last Friday’s Neumo’s set also provided a hip hop extravaganza, this time all homegrown.  The Good Sin served up socially-aware lyrics and a baritone voice that impressed me mightily, high-school-age MC Key Nyata laid down gothic hip hop that utterly subverted his tender years, and Kingdom Crumbs changed things up with a trippy and party-centric set that painted frescoes on frontal lobes (even without the benefit of the blunt being passed around and smoked openly).

Fresh Espresso‘s headlining set was reputedly awesome, but other musical acts called. More on that, later…