Tag Archives: department stores

No, MORE Dogs in Stores

Scenes from a typical Saturday in Seattle, presented with little comment:

Yes, ANOTHER non-service dog in the produce section of the Safeway on 15th.
Yes, ANOTHER non-service dog in the produce section of the Safeway on 15th.
This is the kind of person who brings their dog into a grocery store. GET ON IT, PORTLANDIA.
This is the kind of person who brings their dog into a grocery store. GET ON IT, PORTLANDIA.
Also yesterday, I spied a dog in Nordstrom, of all places!
Also yesterday, I spied a dog in Nordstrom, of all places!
There shouldn't be a purse pet, let alone an able-bodied man with A PITBULL, in NORDSTROM. This isn't Macy's.
There shouldn’t be a purse pet, let alone an able-bodied man with A PITBULL, in NORDSTROM. This isn’t Macy’s.

AND THEN: this morning, a young man brought a puppy into High 5 Pie. The pet was a silly little creature, at least part Corgi with stubby legs and a nub of tail, supercute through the window on the street, less so inside a coffeeshop. Puppy in his arms, the proud owner told my group of friends on our way out that we could all take turns petting his eleven-week-old. I would not be taking a turn, I replied, on principle, as dogs should not be inside eating establishments–yes, even if your girlfriend wants to get a latte–and thems the rules. I told him that his dog was very cute, but only in the appropriate context. And with that, I went out the door to find the puppy’s little plastic baggie of poop left outside High 5 Pie’s entrance.

Because I guess when you’re bringing an animal into a human eatery, the least a clueless, overly entitled dog-owner can do is NOT bring your ANIMAL’S SHIT inside as well.