Tag Archives: Honey Nut Horns

20 Questions with Beat Connection, MFNW 2013

Tom Eddy
Reed Juenger
Tom, Beat Connection

Beat Connection (Photo: Kelsey Kaufman)

Beat Connection (Photo: Kelsey Kaufman)

Tom Eddy (Photo: Kelsey Kaufman)

Reed Juenger (Photo: Kelsey Kaufman)

Credit: beat_connection via Instagram

If you’ve followed Beat Connection since their debut EP, Surf Noir, you’ll notice that someone is missing from the bunch. Jordan Koplowitz, one of two of the founding members, left for San Francisco in December. However, if you watch Reed, Tom, and Jarred’s fervor on stage, you’d think it had been these three all along.

Beat Connection has always excelled at making music that moves bodies. Their interplay, accompanied by the Honey Nut Horns, on tracks like “Saola” is mesmerizing to watch. Their reconstructions of the songs are like a live variety show, always on the edge of losing control. They aren’t afraid of making balls-out fun music, rather they revel in the shimmering synths and tropical percussions.

A few weeks before the first day of fall, Beat Connection crystalized the carefree pleasures of summertime. And, in the bass-thumping basement of Branx, I played a Heineken-fueled game of 20 questions with the trio.

1.   What did you eat for breakfast?

Tom: Ken’s Artisan Bakery. We got a baguette, some cheese and prosciutto.
Reed: I had a Bloody Mary for breakfast. It had bacon and shrimp in it.

2.  Favorite beach in Seattle?

Jarred: Madison Park.

3.  Mickey’s or Old English?

Jarred: Old English.

4.  Guilty pleasure music?

Tom: Bluegrass. Old Crow Medicine Show. I could be a Dave Matthews guy, too… Maybe Sade.
Reed: Did you just say Sade is a guilty pleasure? Sade is a pleasure! Sade tattooed on my chest.
Jarred: Phil Collins.

5.  Worst tattoo?

Reed: I have a Lady Gaga tattoo…
Me: Really?
Reed: NO! (Laughs)
Tom: We’re tat-less. Tatless in Seattle.

6.  Favorite LCD Soundsystem song?

Reed: “All My Friends.”

7.  Favorite bagel schmear?

Tom: I’m partial to sundried tomato. But realistically, I’m a plain schmear guy. And I like the Philadelphia non-whipped version. I like that old school shit.

8.  Which foreign county would you retire in?

Tom: France.
Reed: Bermuda.
Jarred: South Africa. Let’s get weird.

9.  Mullet or mohawk? 

photo by beat_connection via Instagram

Reed: Mohawk. Or a reverse emo-mullet thing.
Tom: I think I have somewhat of a mullet going on right now.
Reed: Actually, Tom doesn’t have a mullet. What Tom has is this picture exactly. (Shows me picture of Ryan Adams circa 2001) Total heartbreaker.

 10. Strangest Snapchat you’ve ever received?

Reed: When I get a picture of Tom’s hair like that later from Jarred, that will be it. (see picture, right)

11. What band would you most like to open for?

Tom: Toots and the Maytals.
Jarred: Tame Impala.
Reed: [Tame Impala at Sasquatch] was the best festival show I’ve ever seen .

12. If you had to choose between Clay and Harrison of ODESZA to be on your team for The Hunger Games, who would you pick?

Reed: I think Clay would do some despicable, evil shit.
Tom: He would be the strong arm. But Harrison would, like, plot against you and do some sort of political situation.

Clay walks in the room…

Reed: Hey Clay — we decided if we had to choose between you and Harrison to be on our Hunger Games team, that you would do the really evil shit and Harrison would plot against us. You would be like, “alright I got this,” and just end it.
Clay: Uhhh….

13. Childhood fear?

Reed: My parents said I was afraid of clowns. But I don’t really remember that.
Jarred: I was really afraid of dogs. I had a bad experience. I was small and I thought these dogs were chasing me… But they weren’t. (Laughs) They were just running with me.

14. Dream collaboration?

Tom: Andre 3000.
Reed: Kendrick. Or… Well, Kanye. But I couldn’t even talk with Kanye. I would just be like “oh my god, uh uh uh”…and that would be it.

15. Besides the Boards of Canada thing,  what’s the 2nd worst April Fool’s  joke you’ve ever played?

Reed: Well yesterday — I’m the super uptight one in the band, by far — we did a KEXP session and we were supposed to be there at 1:30. I was already in Portland and these guys were coming down. I sent them a very excited text message about Kanye and Kendrick [going on tour], and two hours later — no response. I was like, “wow, that’s weird. I thought they would be excited and they should be up by now.” I fell asleep again and then Tom texted me, “oh shit! Your text just woke me up.” Then Jarred said, “oh fuck! I’m leaving right now!” It was like 11:30am. There was no way they were going to make it to Portland in time. First I thought they were joking, and then I thought they were serious. I was like, “God…I gotta call KEXP… We’re going to have to cancel…” And then I realized they were totally fucking with me.

16. Best souvenir from the road?

Tom: Chlamydia. (Laughs) No, no…
Reed: That’s where I got it then, huh, Tom? (Laughs)

17. First thing that came to mind when watching Miley’s VMA performance?

Reed: It was just a sigh; it wasn’t even a word. It was just syllables of dissatisfaction.

18. Most expensive thing you’ve bought for a girl?

Reed: Tom’s girlfriend is right there, so I’ll let him answer.
Tom: I tend to block those things out and just buy it. So, I’m not sure.
Reed: There’s no price tag to our love.

19. Strangest class you ever took in college?

Reed: Evan (horns) essentially taught a class with this dude who just wanted to play jazz music and smile and stand next to the speaker. Evan wanted to do that too, but he was a little bit more professional.

20. Where do you see yourself in 3 years? Is there any specific goal you want to achieve?

Tom: Touring.
Jarred: Happiness.
Reed: Playing a show on a yacht.
Tom: We want to have a roast pig come through the crowd during a show.
Reed: Maybe one day we’ll have the whole fucking pig Tom. One day.

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