Tag Archives: komen

Senator Murray Applauds Komen Reversal, Asks for Vigilance in Defense of Women’s Health

(Apologies in advance for the audio–since this was a press conference more than a live address, Senator Murray wasn’t provided with amplification.)

Friday, February 3, Patty Murray made an appearance at Planned Parenthood of the Great Northwest’s offices in the Capitol Hill neighborhood, planned in advance of news that Susan G. Komen For the Cure would reverse its decision to defund grants awarded to Planned Parenthood.

Flanked by PPGN CEO Chris Charbonneau and a board member who denounced this latest attempt at “bullying” Planned Parenthood, Murray expressed delight at the news of the reversal, tempered by the need, she said, to remain “vigilant.” (For the record, Komen has only promised to consider future grant applications from Planned Parenthood, which is not a hard promise to make, if it helps get you out of a media firestorm.)

In Washington State, the women’s health organization saw donations of $50,000 since the Komen announcement, with about $3 million raised nationally.

Seattlepi.com’s Joel Connelly summarizes what Planned Parenthood has to do with breast cancer, if you’re wondering:

Nationwide, Planned Parenthood clinics did 750,000 breast exams last year.  In Washington, an estimated 31,000 patients depend on Planned Parenthood for breast exams. Lindgren received a mammogram and an ultrasound test. About 1,000 breast exams, in the Northwest, were paid for last year by grants from Komen, said Planned Parent’s region CEO Chris Charbonneau.