Tag Archives: Live music Seattle

Last Week in Live Music: Arctic Monkeys, Blowfly, Tomten, and More

Arctic Monkeys turn on the glam (and the mirror balls). (photo: Tony Kay)

After a long live music drought, I found myself thrown by happy circumstance into no less than five shows last week. It only felt right to share.

Getting out of your comfort zone is essential to shake the dust off of your eardrums, and catching Shemekia Copeland and the Robert Cray Band at their August 10 ZooTunes gig did just that for me. Bluntly put, most modern blues leaves me cold: Too often, the cut-to-the-bone honesty and sweatiness of real blues gets sacrificed to cozy ducks’-ass slickness by modern players. But Copeland and Cray eased my resistance some.

The blues literally runs in Copeland’s blood. Her daddy was the late, legendary Texas blues guitarist Johnny Copeland, and she’s blessed with one powerhouse of a voice, a room-filling and rich instrument that can steamroll a riff with the best of ‘em. Live, her thundering delivery helped dirty up the glossiness of some of her new material, and when the song quality intersected with her singing (as on the smoldering anti-abuse cut, “Ain’t Gonna Be Your Tattoo”), the already-warm Sunday afternoon got ten degrees hotter.

Robert Cray, Sunday’s headliner, became the poster boy for modern blues when he first broke out 25-plus years ago. A spiritual kin to Stevie Ray Vaughan, Cray likewise infuses his blues playing with rock shadings, and he’s a magpie of a songwriter, cherry-picking elements of reggae, ska, and arena rock for his original tunes. That broad range sometimes renders his material homogenous, but Cray’s astonishing playing invigorated every song in his 90-minute set: Each solo he fired off was so hook-laden, he was practically building songs within songs with each lick.

Two days later, England’s Arctic Monkeys played the second of two sold-out shows at the Paramount. Amazingly, almost a decade has passed since the band reinvented the British guitar rock wheel with a speedball of Buzzcocks-tight riffs and wry lyrics, and in the interim they’ve honed their already-assured live shows to near-lethal efficacy. Alex Turner played the Rock Star to the hilt last Tuesday, prowling the stage and combing his well-tended pompadour like some whippet-thin British Elvis. Best of all, his theatrics never detracted from his evocative croon. The rest of the band backed him like champs, and the songs off their latest album, AM, flowered into glittering (literally, given the impressive light show) live arena-disco-glam anthems that sent the mostly all-ages crowd into a surging frenzy.

Blowfly holds court at Barboza. (photo: Tony Kay)

The scale got way smaller—but no less sweaty—Wednesday night, when smut-soul legend/proto-rapper Blowfly turned Barboza into Ground Zero for one ass-kicking house party. DIY before the writers who invented the term were probably even born, Blowfly’s potty-mouthed parodies of classic soul songs provided the raunchy touchstone from which gangsta rap was born, and last week he barked out those tunes in a voice so ragged it coulda taken the varnish off every piece of furniture in the room. Blowfly’s backing bands have been hit or miss over the years, but the players shoring up his superhero-suited antics kept things tight and funky last Wednesday. Major bonus points were provided in the form of two local acts: NighTrain drummer Taryn Dorsey fronted her other terrific band WISCON like a member of the Ronettes being backed by Devo, while The Gods Themselves’ awesome middle set wedded post-punk tautness with some funk snap and lead singer Astra Elaine’s wah-wah pedal sorcery.

In case you’re keeping score, this website is pretty much over the moon for the baroque pop stylings of Seattle’s own Tomten, and their record release show at the Crocodile last Thursday confirmed that they’re more than capable of bringing the dreamy magic of their recordings to a live venue, thanks very much. Bolstered by second guitarist Robert Bennett and a three-man horn section for several tunes, Brian Noyeswatkins and company added just enough live fire to the textured beauty of their tunes to satisfy in a big way during their set, and they executed my favorite encore of the week with a lovably ragged cover of The Velvet Underground’s “There She Goes Again” and an anthemic take on their original, “Jujube”.  I missed middle-slotters Add Ode, but the other opening acts, Spring (a Canadian psych-pop band that sounds like a winning cross between Love and Modest Mouse) and Heatwarmer (a local quintet that married Death Cab indie pop with prog-rock complexity), delivered sharp opening turns.

Marcia Ball at Jazz Alley last week. (photo: Tony Kay)

Friday night saw me ending the music week the way I began it—namely, with some blues. At first blush, Texas-born singer/piano player Marcia Ball cut an incongruous figure during her first Jazz Alley set Friday night (her tasteful dress and short-coiffed hair made her look more like a university professor at a party than a blues belter), but she delivered her set of original jazz-informed blues tunes with unforced grace. Backed by award-winning slide guitarist Cindy Cashdollar and an ace ensemble, the performance felt like a real group effort, almost to a fault (Ball plays a mean set of ivories, but didn’t really break out her own fireworks ‘til the closing number). But that’s just quibbling. As was, she and her band got a sizable corner of Jazz Alley dancing, and that easy Texas-cum-New-Orleans swing took a lot of the financial sting out of my $25 plate of ravioli.

Your Live Music Bets for the Weekend of December 20 through the 22nd

Jessica Dobson of Deep Sea Diver. (Photo: Tony Kay)

If you live in downtown Seattle and were hoping for Snowpocalypse 2013 this morning, my condolences as you kick the wimpy, simpering layer of faintly snow-dusted slush off your footwear this morning.

The upside: Getting around shouldn’t be too difficult (depending on where you live, natch), and you’ll be happy to know that an exceptionally-stacked three days of live music awaits. Seriously. You can’t throw a snowball without it landing on a venue hosting a terrific line-up this weekend.

Tonight (Friday, December 20):

Deep Sea Diver, Bryan John Appleby @ Neumos. 21+. $12 Advance/$14 Day of Show. Show at 8 p.m.

Jessica Dobson plays one hell of a guitar–just ask Beck, The Yeah Yeah Yeahs, or The Shins (all of whom have benefitted from her versatile axework as a touring session player). But for my money, Dobson shines brightest playing and singing with drummer/husband Peter Mansen in their band, Deep Sea Diver. DSD’s great 2012 debut History Speaks is all over the map in the best way: Stomping 60’s guitar pop and stuttering post-punk rub shoulders with piano balladry, sometimes in the space of a single song. It’s all unified wonderfully by the interplay between Dobson’s mournful wail of a voice, her pinging/chiming guitars, and Mansen’s inventive and melodic rhythms. Expect a few holiday tunes like the loverly original, “It’s Christmas Time (and I’m Still Alive),” too.

My Goodness, XVIII Eyes, Duke Evers Band @ The Crocodile. 21+. $15 at the door. Show at 8 p.m.

It’s been too long since two-headed Seattle rock monster My Goodness has put out new material, a void they’re rumored to be filling next year. In the meantime, the band’s pulverizing live show tonight (with bassist Mike Klay making it a trio) should more than scratch your primal rock itch. And if you don’t get there early enough to hear goth-math-rock quartet XVIII Eyes (formerly Eighteen Individual Eyes) weave their dark and narcotic magic, it’s resolutely your loss.

Xmas Maximus,  Cathy Sorbo, The Candy Cane Dancers @ Darrell’s Tavern. 21+. $8 at the door. Show at 9 p.m.

Darrell’s in Shoreline has been quietly booking great live shows in the north end for quite a few years, and tonight they bust out what should be the weekend’s most fun live Christmas show. The merry rock and roll elves in Xmas Maximus include local musicians like Gavin Guss, Barbara Trentalange, and members of Jessamine and SUNN O))), all bashing out playful versions of holiday classics (love their spastic punk version of “Sleigh Ride”). Plus you get salty-tongued Seattle comic Cathy Sorbo, and burlesque from The Candy Cane Dancers, all for less than it usually costs to park downtown for two hours on a weekday.

X, The Blasters, The Bad Things @ El Corazon. 21+. $25 Advance, $30 Day of Show. Doors at 7 p.m, show at 8 p.m.

See Saturday, dude.

Saturday, December 21:

11th Annual Benefit for MUSICARES with Eldridge Gravy and the Court Supreme, Aaron Daniel, The Chasers, Jeff Fielder, Robb Benson, and Kim Virant @ The Tractor Tavern. 21+. $10 Advance. Show at 9pm. 

Firstly, there’s no way you can fault the cause. It’s a fundraiser for MUSICARES, an organization that aids struggling musicians who can’t afford medical and dental insurance on their own. Secondly, this tribute show’s dedicated to an entire classic rock album–Pink Floyd’s The Wall–and the evening will showcase some ace local acts that don’t sound very much like Floyd in the first place. Hearing velour soul steamrollers Eldridge Gravy and the Court Supreme, West Seattle stoner-metal demons The Chasers, and a tassel of other great Northwest artists reinterpret Roger Waters’ paean to rock decadence should be pretty amazing.

The Physics, Tangerine, DJ Nick Beeba, guests @ The Crocodile. All Ages. $10 Advance. Show at 9 p.m.

South Seattle hip-hop crew The Physics can always be counted on to deliver a serious party live, and the release of their new full-length, Digital Wildlife, provides a great excuse for ‘em to do so. The record retains Thig’s and Monk’s easy wordplay, with just enough new wrinkles to keep things interesting: There’s as much singing there is rapping, and some pinches of electronic music even work their way into the band’s signature style. Right now, the Prince-in-a-robot’s-body groove of new track “Fix Me” is floating my boat in a major way, but it’s the organic nature of their shows (usually accompanied by a soulful and muscular live band) that make them one of this town’s best hip-hop collectives onstage.

X, The Blasters, Girl Trouble @ El Corazon. 21+. $25 Advance, $30 Day of Show. Doors at 7 p.m, show at 8 p.m.

X caught epic shit in the 1970’s and early ’80’s from some of their peers in the fertile LA punk scene for actually writing, you know, real songs (show-offs!) and employing Doors keyboardist Ray Manzarek (a f@#king hippie!) to produce their early albums. Fortunately for the world, though, X were (and are) amazing on their own terms, influencing a couple of generations of punks, indie rockers, and roots-rock/Americana musicians in a major way. John Doe‘s and Exene Cervenka‘s vocals remain ragged yet gloriously right, and the band’s full original line-up can still kick up a shitstorm when they need to. Roots-rock legends The Blasters co-headline, and (repeat after me), get there early: Two great Northwest bands–goth-cabaret rapscallions The Bad Things and durable Tacoma garage-rock vets Girl Trouble–open up Friday and Saturday, respectively.

Sunday, December 22:

Evan Dando, Chris Brokaw, McDougall @ The Sunset Tavern. 21+. $15 advance. Doors at 8 p.m.

Evan Dando, mercurial singer-songwriter and frontman for beloved ’90s alt-rock band The Lemonheads, has always been a slacker troubadour at heart, capturing little moments of silliness, romance, and melancholy in a way that definitely presages today’s breed of singer/songwriters. He’s also a funny and engaging solo performer prone to sneaking in choice covers alongside his originals. Preceding Dando is another veteran of the Clinton-era underground rock scene, Codeine/Come guitarist/singer Chris Brokaw, and Americana musician McDougall.