Tag Archives: MFNW 2014

MusicFest NW 2014 Preview

I love to visit Portland because Portland is different (don’t use the word weird). MusicFest NW was (keyword: was) unconventionally…Portland. Fourteen years was a good run, but MFNW has now condensed itself into a two-day, waterfront festival like the rest of ’em. No – this isn’t the Bro/Blues Festival, but it sure sounds like it. Locals aren’t all that stoked, and can you blame them?

…Personally I’m stoked I get to drink in one location without feeling guilty for that third whiskey soda I just had (which in turn leads to missing many, many good bands), but I understand. What made MusicFest NW so great is the unlisted shows, after hours parties and booze-sponsored events that only the real locals knew about. And maybe your friend who worked at the Doug Fir could skip you past the line.

Alas, the show must go on. And while there is some Block Party overlap (Spoon, EMA, Wild Ones, Shy Girls), it’s still a worthwhile trip for Seattleites. Here’s why —

There are two stages (Moda Stage at Morrison and Hawthorne Stage) this year, and no two bands play at the same time. Rejoice!

Remember when I deemed the sisters of HAIM as Biggest Disappointment this year at Sasquatch? Well now they have a chance to redeem themselves. There’s no doubt these girls can rip, and Este’s bassface is one of the most entertaining things you’ll ever see.

Future Islands has been selling out shows left and right. I heard that their Doug Fir and Neumos’ shows were incredible, so with a 10,000-person daily capacity venue you are at least guaranteed a spot.

Sarah Barthel and Josh Carter of Phantogram are as beautiful as they are talented. Go just to see what Sarah’s wearing – girl always brings it. My prediction? A midriff baring tank and high waisted black denim.

I saw Brooklyn’s The Antlers a few weeks ago at a sold-out Neumos. It was so damn hot inside I felt like I was going to pass out, and I still stayed for the entire hour and half plus long set. It’s Rhye-ish, Deerhunter-esque, but better. Shimmering horns, floating atmospheric melodies…you get the idea.

Shy Girls just released a new song titled “All for Show” produced my Jawgwar Ma’s Jono Ma. He also played some new tracks at CHBP that (at least for me) took him way beyond the R&B category and into something sultry and ridiculously sexy/unexpected. Stop comparing him to How To Dress Well because Dan Vidmar is somethin’ else.

I think I’m the only person alive who hasn’t seen Girl Talk perform. Even my friends who hate “that type of music” say he puts on a great show.

So while the multi-venue MusicFest NW may be a thing of the past, there’s no doubt that Portland will still bring the personality. (Spoiler alert: even when the bros from Branx somehow end up next to you during Wild Ones, there’s 99.99999% chance you’re still going to have a good time.)

There will still be night shows, great food carts and after parties. Just less drunk, bridge/venue hopping – which everyone should be grateful for.

This cynical Oregonian is going, so you should too.