Tag Archives: mostly nordic

Mostly Nordic Chamber Music Series Visits Sweden

Lena Moén, soprano

I had no idea Swedish art song existed, but of course it does. At the Nordic Heritage Museum Sunday afternoon, Mostly Nordic treated the audience to a concert of such songs, largely from the 20th century but dipping back to the 19th, in the third of its annual performances highlighting the music of a specific Nordic country. (There are two more concerts in the Mostly Nordic series this spring, featuring music from Norway, May 2, and Iceland, May 31.)

Swedish soprano Lena Moén  with her frequent collaborator, pianist Lena Johnson, gave us songs by composers Wilhelm Peterson-Berger, Bo Linde, Wilhelm Stenhammar, Mogens Schrader, and Gustaf Nordqvist, and included a few from out of the country by Schubert, Grieg, and Richard Strauss. The audience was provided with all the words, a thoughtful gesture which made the songs even more enjoyable.

Moén began with a startling cow call, such as was given by girls calling their family’s cows home. Sounding like a cross between a Swiss yodel and an American cowboy’s “Eee-yoww!”, she explained after that every girl had her own individual call and the cows knew which call to come to.

It was guaranteed to gather everyone’s immediate attention, and Moén continued with a charming selection of songs, mostly about love or spring or both, in a voice unlike anything we usually hear here.

Robust and sturdy, pure but not silvery, with vibrato used artfully or not at all, her voice was ideal for these songs. She reached the highest notes effortlessly, no strain and hitting them squarely except in one song where she had a slight problem with them.

The beautiful songs themselves belong fully in the art song category, not folk, and have accompaniments which are a full component of each piece, performed by Johnson and Moén as a seamless pair.

Lena Johnson, pianist

Johnson also played a few solos, one group by Peterson-Berger, one a Fantasy in B minor by Stenhammar. We are so used to hearing the cream of the cream of world pianists here, that it can be hard to judge others fairly, but while Johnson easily had the technique for all the notes, she tended to be a bit slapdash with nuance and approach.

The more familiar Grieg song “I Love You” came off well, though the Strauss songs, “All Souls Day” and “Devotion” were a little less suited to Moén’s voice. The surprise came with Schubert’s “The Shepherd on the Rock,’ which emphatically did not suit Moen, or perhaps she didn’t suit it. With Seattle’s Sean Osborn providing a clarinet role to die for in its beauty, Moen’s strong voice did not provide the classical sound required. It needed more refinement, to be less “out” there, gentler, more nuanced for this song. On the other hand, the song is difficult in that the notes go fast all over the range with wide jumps and Moén encompassed all of them with rippling ease. Only her topmost notes in the last part of the song failed quite to reach their goal.

Moén and Johnson gave one encore: an arrangement of “Over the Rainbow,” which she sang softly, and well.

Italy Lends a Hand for “Mostly Nordic” Celebration of Norwegian Chamber Music

Inger-Kristine Riber

Norway was the featured country Sunday afternoon, as the Mostly Nordic chamber music series wrapped up its season with a concert given by two gifted pianists, one Norwegian, one Italian, playing solo or four-hands together.

For the past 18 years at the Nordic Heritage Museum, the concert series has followed its unique pattern with considerable success: five concerts a year representing in turn the Nordic countries of Iceland, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, and Norway. After each concert most of the audience stays for a smorgasbord of food from those countries.

In the past, concertgoers sat in rows facing the stage of the old Daniel Webster school auditorium, with large round tables behind set for the smorgasbord. After the concert, many willing hands would rearrange tables and chairs throughout the hall. This season, it was decided to have the tables in place and listen to the concert from them, nightclub style. Walking in Sunday afternoon, the appearance was welcomingly festive with the tables set in Norway’s colors.

This concert nearly didn’t happen as one of the pianists became sick recently and couldn’t travel, but Norway’s Inger-Kristine Riber made herculean efforts and found a colleague, Italy’s Alessandra Giorgia Brustia, able to join her both for practice time and to come to the U.S for a mini-tour. Practice time can’t be just a run-through for performers playing piano four-hands. It takes deep communication in sensing how the music should go and complete synchrony between the two players. If these aren’t there, the performance sounds clunky.

It was nothing short of remarkable how close a meeting of minds there was in style, tempo, phrasing, and dynamics between Riber and Brustia, given that they had a scant ten days to achieve this. Their performances of Grieg’s Walzer-Capricen and his Norwegian Dances showed them excellent musicians and collaborators.

Alessandra Giorgia Brustia

Riber performed alone works by two other Norwegian composers of the 20th century, Alf Hurum’s Water Colors and four selections from David Monrad Johansen’s Suite No. 1. Both composers’ works are in similar impressionistic style, with a bow to Debussy and Ravel. Subtle colorations abound, as does well-planned use of pedal, while they are technically quite difficult. Riber had no problem with them, and gave each an appealing performance which should send local pianists hunting for the scores.

Brustia took on a couple of selections from Grieg’s Lyrical Pieces, and also Busoni’s transcription of Bach’s Violin Chaconne in D Minor. In this last, she managed at times to make the piano sound like an entire organ thundering out some of Bach’s most majestic music, and at others brought out the delicacy of incredibly fast runs.

Bach works in just about any guise. I’ve heard Bach sung by the Swingle Singers, or played by a steel band. The absolute essential is that it must be totally clean, completely orderly. There were moments where it felt Brustia was taking parts a tad too fast, bordering on breaking out of that cleanliness and orderliness.

The two performers returned after enthusiastic applause to play five delightful variations on a Norwegian folk song — in the style of Bach, Mozart, Chopin, and Grieg; and in a jazz vein — by contemporary composer Nils Henrik Asheim, which left the audience appreciative and laughing.