Tag Archives: pies and pints

BlogsGiving 4 Brings Record Donation (for Us!) to NW Harvest


The secret to a convincing wattle is that sparkly glue stuff. (Photo: MvB)

Husband & wife turkey artists Jason Preston and Monica Guzman, with My Green Lake's Amy Duncan

BlogsGiving scenes (Photo: MvB)

Eastlake Ave's Curt Milton, CHS's Justin Carder, and free-spirit Dylan Wilbanks (Photo: MvB)

BlogsGiving scenes (Photo: MvB)

BlogsGiving scenes (Photo: MvB)

A soon-to-be-devoured pie from Pies & Pints (Photo: MvB)

Tony's turkey (Photo: MvB)

Chelsea's turkey (Photo: MvB)

The "Guzman" (Photo: MvB)

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A little belatedly, our thanks to all of you who attended BlogsGiving 4: North of the Cut. For the uninitiated, BlogsGiving is a free-form annual blog meetup and fundraiser for Northwest Harvest. This year BlogsGiving raised $432 and cans for the area’s hungry people, and our generous host Pies & Pints is also donating a portion of their proceeds from the evening, raising the total to around $700! A new record. (You can add to it by donating online!)

This year, the festive do-gooders at Roosiehood, Ravenna Blog, and My Green Lake helped us in putting the party on–one of the reasons we hold BlogsGiving is that until we all gathered at Pies & Pints on November 19, despite years of Weekend-Wrap blog-headline-trawling, I hadn’t actually met any of them in person before.

Wallyhood, Eastlake Ave., Seattle Transit Blog, and Seattle’s social media power couple, Jason Preston and Monica Guzman, piled in as well. I know I’m missing more people, forgive me and my failing memory. (I have to note that Preston gets a producer’s credit for my hand turkey drawing, and that The SunBreak is now in possession of an official “Guzman,” which we’re going to be holding on to as an appreciating asset.)

UPDATE: Left off the blogroll, though not in our hearts, was the entire Capitol Hill Seattle blog enterprise: Justin Carder, his wife Kristin, and their two news elves, one of whom slept through most of the event, but we forgive. Now forgive me for the oversight. Do it.

Happy holidays, everyone!

Save the Date for Blogsgiving 4!

BlogsGiving 4 is today, November 19, from 4-7 p.m. at Pies and Pints! Help us raise money and cans of food for NW Harvest.

Yes, it’s that time again. So everyone pick up your phone and tell Siri you’ve got a new appointment for Saturday, November 19th. It’s the fourth annual Blogsgiving meetup and benefit for Northwest Harvest!

This year we’re taking the party North Of The Cut. We’ll be at Pies and Pints from 4 to 7 p.m. Incidentally, did you know Pies and Pints opens a whole hour earlier in the wintertime? Fall back!

Suggested minimum donation is $5 to NW Harvest and/or two non-perishable items. Since man is rarely motivated by altruism alone, your donation also earns you one specialty drink, like a Guinness with cider float, both seasonal and delicious.

Don’t worry, Pies and Pints is also kid-friendly, so feel free to bring the whole fam, as there will be non-alcoholic beverages available, not to mention MEAT PIES, and we’ll have markers and paper for kids of all ages to make hand turkeys.

All bloggers, readers, friends, enemies, and even frenemies are invited to attend. Blogsgiving is not just for hyperlocal newsies, but for anyone who might want to share a warm, social evening with people they know mainly through handles like @dawgs4ev. Come one, come all!