Tag Archives: pool

Glimpses: Seattle in the Fog (Slideshow)

Oh, SunBreak Flickr pool, you’re always there for us! Any time I have a few minutes to spend in contemplation of the wonders of Seattle, I swing by the pool and see what’s new. This time, my attention was caught by the reminders of that mysterious fog that came on little cat feet the other week. Seattle in fog is noir nature. Are you seeing this? Gorgeous. Thanks, everyone! And keep on snappin’.

Glimpses: In Perspective

Glimpses returns this week for a peek into the The SunBreak’s Flickr pool, for some unusual, interesting, or colorful looks at our city from some of our favorite photographic contributors. We’d love to see your take on landmarks familiar and recently discovered or. See yourself in a future installation by dropping a few shots into our photo pool today.

(featured image by Michael Holden)

Glimpses: Danger Signs

If you’re seeing this week’s look into the The SunBreak’s Flickr pool, it means that you made it through this weekend’s non-apocalypse. Before you reset your endtimes countdowns to the Mayan calendar, enjoy this selection of signs of danger and other warning of peril from our favorite photographic contributors. And remember, if you see something, send something our way — we’d love to feature your shots in a future installation of Glimpses!

(featured image by photopool MVP Beth “zenobia_job” Jusino)

Glimpses: Pictures of You

For this Monday’s foray into the The SunBreak’s Flickr pool, we turn from architectural wonders and saturated shots of nature to take a look at you, your friends, and other Seattle citizens. Within, a healthy mix of candid shots, portraits, and other photos of people around town doing things. After you’ve had a good look at our photographic contributors and their pals, please consider getting in on the user-powered photo pool action — send a few pictures our way and your shots could become the star of a future edition.

(featured image by photopool MVP Beth “zenobia_job” Jusino)

Glimpses: Classics

For this Monday’s dip into the photographic waters of The SunBreak’s Flickr pool, there’s no particular unifying theme. Instead, I’ve highlighted a few photos from the earliest days of our collaborative photo album. Enjoy a look at what our most beloved photographic contributors were seeing in the far ago year of 2009 and, after you’ve visually visited this bygone era, please consider joining the fun.

We’re always looking for new friends to join — send a few pictures our way and you could become the star of a future edition.

(featured image by photopool MVP Tony “Great Beyond” Case)

Glimpses: Seattle Weekends

On this dreary Monday morning, we take a few moments to dwell on the stunning weekend that we just experienced. In this edition of Glimpses slideshow, take a look at how the photographers of The SunBreak’s Flickr pool have captured the last few sunny days and have memorialized classic sunny weekends of the past. We’d love to see how you spent the weekend: join our reader-powered citywide photo album and share your best shots!

(featured image by Jon Madison)