Tag Archives: prostitution

“Costly Desires” Battles Sex Trafficking, From the Stage

While the American Association of Port Authorities ranks Seattle only 36th in trade among all U.S. ports, we are the third largest American port of entry for trade in humans. A new Seattle theatre company is taking on the human concerns relating to this problem in a pair of benefit performances this weekend.

Back in 2010 Seattle actor, dancer, choreographer and director Megan Becker attended an Oregon Shakespeare Festival production of Ruined. This play by Lynn Nottage, which won everything but the Tony in 2009, concerns women in a Democratic Republic of Congo brothel during that country’s ongoing instability and civil wars.

Following the performance the audience was invited to write letters to women in a similar situation to that of those depicted in the play. Becker wrote a letter but she wanted to do more; she wanted to go and get these women out of their situation.

Rather than book a flight for D.R. Congo, Becker started asking questions, doing research, and learning about human trafficking and the sex trade. The result is Costly Desires, a multimedia text-based performance that follows the lives of two women and the man who buys them (November 9th and 10th at Greenwood Square; all tickets $15).

In a recent interview with The SunBreak Becker noted that the show is not about demonizing either prostitutes or johns. “What the play does is it humanizes everybody,” she said.

In depicting lives marked by physical and emotional abuse, Becker and her team at the nascent Drybones Theater Company rely on dance to provide some protective distance for the audience. These abstracted portrayals also heighten the characters’ internal experiences and work against the objectification inherent in theatre, a key concern for Becker.

“I’m really trying to avoid being voyeuristic because that would be playing into the problem,” said Becker. “Even with things like the fake sex website that we had to put up, the girls and I talked for a long time: What would those poses look like, what are they comfortable with, and I’m heavily controlling that media.”

The fake website (actually a PowerPoint that audiences will see projected as John surfs the web) isn’t the only multimedia aspect of this production. Drybones Theater Company also created a news broadcast and much of the show includes original compositions by Chris Ingrao.

Becker is funding Costly Desires through an Indiegogo campaign. All ticket sales from the production will be donated to two organizations fighting sex trafficking. REST takes a soft approach to sex trafficking reaching out to prostitutes and offering them resources. The other program Costly Desires will support is The Genesis Project, which was started by police as a response to the sex trafficking they encountered in their work. It offers prostitutes support services as an alternative to incarceration and aggressively targets pimps.

Becker sees those pimps as the most culpable players in the sex trafficking problem. In her quest to humanize those involved in the trade she has become interested in the social and economic forces that create pimps. However Costly Desires doesn’t address this interest directly. “The only ones I didn’t have time to write about were the pimps,” she admitted. “If I were going to write about pimps I’d have to write a whole other play.”

Seattle Weekly Tries Soft-Pedaling the Whole Juvenile Prostitution Thing

The City Council's Tim Burgess, a Backpage.com critic, cheered the new legislation's passage.

If you haven’t been keeping up on the Backpage.com juvenile prostitution scandal, here is the latest. End of February 2012, Washington’s legislature passed a bill that spells out legal responsibilities for publishers like Backpage.com, if they were found to have provided “adult services” advertising to a minor.

Now, it appears the legislation is among the many bills deprived of Governor Gregoire’s signature, while she wrangles with the legislature over the budget.

UPDATE: Gov. Gregoire has signed the bill into law.

Once signed by the Governor, the new law would allow advertisement publishers to defend themselves from criminal charges, but:

In order to invoke the defense, the defendant must produce for inspection by law enforcement a record of the identification used to verify the age of the person depicted in the advertisement.

Checking a physical ID would seem a low bar, but it’s more difficult to do online, and Backpage.com has been obstreperous in its refusal, claiming that it “has spent millions of dollars and dedicated countless resources to protecting children from those who would misuse an adult site.”After all, the company argues, reaching into its quiver of absurd analogies, “If someone is caught shipping contraband through the Post Office, we do not shut down the U.S. mail.”

Your local purveyor of Backpage.com advertisements is Seattle Weekly, due to its ownership by Village Voice Media, which in turn owns Backpage.com. I was impressed to see that VVM managed to score a helpful counterpoint from the New York Times‘ David Carr, himself a former alt-weekly scrivener.

Carr quotes Washington Attorney General Rob McKenna (and gubernatorial hopeful) saying:

I think we have to be careful to protect the First Amendment rights of publishers, but free speech does not extend to the knowing facilitation of criminal activity. This is not just about children being prostituted, this is about human beings being trafficked into the sex trades, as adults and as children.

Somehow, Carr manages to equate juvenile prostitution with the time “we were under fire for publishing ads for strip clubs, escort services and massage parlors.” He even works in this hoary why-bother: “If Backpage.com retreats — not likely given the predispositions of its owners — some other alternative will immediately take its place.”

The Seattle Weekly makes The New Yorker. Champagne all around! Excerpt from "Looking Good," by John Colapinto.

Last year, Seattle Weekly ran some eight or nine stories up the flagpole, alternately attacking misleading statistics and moralists, and defending their right to free speech and libertarian profit motive.

The last Weekly-written piece seems to have been in August 2011, but VVM has not given up the fight. PubliCola notes their unsigned editorial claiming that New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof has gotten his facts wrong, too. Kristof doesn’t think so.

Remember Backpage.com’s “countless resources”? Apparently that is literally true. PubliCola has been trying to verify their claim about the exact number of employees used to screen their adult ads, but so far Backpage.com has been unwilling to provide that information.

I have wondered whether Seattle Weekly‘s stalwart defense of Backpage.com’s “good enough” efforts to prevent juvenile prostitution was a particularly canny public relations move for a free weekly. One hears stories, but when it comes to alt-weeklies, you have to take them with a grain of bitter ex-employee salt. So I decided to turn to Quantcast instead, which directly measures traffic to the online version of Seattle Weekly. There’s no definitive link between the evident slump and their Backpage.com association–traffic goes up and down all the time–but I think it’s fair to say they haven’t benefited much from the ongoing dispute.

Quantcast's traffic statistics for Seattle Weekly online

Loving Life on Aurora Avenue, Seattle’s Mother Road

Aurora Avenue is the most maligned road in Seattle. For a simple street, it takes an enormous amount of public criticism, belittling, and outright outrage from nearly all comers. Adjectives like “seedy” and “grimy” are thrown around with abandon. Even Bremerton Mayor Cary Bozeman suggested Seattle should plant trees to “block off the visual garbage” of Aurora (apparently, he forgot he was the mayor of Bremerton–mayor heal thyself).

I suspect that Aurora, or HWY 99, is criticized by people that rarely go there. And that’s a shame, because for many of us, for many reasons, Aurora is an important part of life in this city, an essential corridor that, frankly, looks and feels the way it does because that’s the way it ought to look and feel.

If you really want to understand Aurora, you need to get out and drive on it, casually. Since Aurora is a major commuting thoroughfare, it’s easy to drive past the various buildings and businesses and just flat out ignore them. So consider going there not on an errand or a commute, but as an interested spectator. Only then will you see this street as the important part of the city it is.

Start north at 145th, the city’s northern limits, and head south. Right away, you can see why Aurora takes the verbal blows over and over. There is very little visual beauty in the architecture. Mostly you see small businesses that are in buildings that have been built in different eras, for different reasons. There is little architectural charm from 145th to 137th, but there should be familiarity. Most of America’s highways look just like this with light industry and strip malls.

Most of the industries and businesses on Aurora are niche endeavors that probably have low margins. These kinds of businesses can’t afford the major rent prices in other parts of Seattle. Businesses like the Sports Card Exchange, Aurora Plumbing and Electric Supply, and a muffler shop. Aurora is where they can afford to be and if you want, or need, their services, wouldn’t you rather go there than drive to Lynnwood or Woodinville or Bothell?

Just south past 137th, you are in the ‘big box’ section of HWY 99. Big box retail needs a lot of space, and in Seattle space is limited. So from 137th to 105th you have Lowes, Home Depot, Sam’s Club, Kmart, and Grocery Outlet. You also have stores like the St. Vincent DePaul Thrift Store and PriceCo, a store that sells furniture, appliances and items made by at-risk youths as part of their treatment and rehab. Sales at the store support Welcome Home, a long-term recovery residence where troubled men and women get help to renter society. Next-door, there is the Dollar Store.

Put all these stores together and you quickly see that Aurora is a great place to save a buck.

Dotted along the way are multiple auto parts stores, auto body shops and auto repair businesses. Auto maintenance is part of the daily life cycle of a city. It’s critical that our vehicles be repaired. However, as our city grows, as housing needs expand, these businesses are being pushed out of our Seattle. Many similar businesses used to dot South Lake Union, but as that neighborhood gentrifies, rents increase and small businesses move out. Aurora, and parts of Lake City Way, are the last stand for such businesses in North Seattle. And do you really want to drive, or have your car towed, to Shoreline when it needs repair?

Aurora is also a great place to get a donut. Aurora Donut and Krispy Kreme are here between 135th and 125th.

Or, you could decide to spend eternity on Aurora. Just south of 120th, Evergreen Washelli straddles HWY 99 and provides a lovely green patch in the urban cityscape. A slow drive through here is always advised, in particular to view the lovely veteran’s cemetery at the far south border of the property on the western side of 99. Here, a lovely sculpture of a World War I soldier, entitled The Doughboy, stands sentinel over rows of simple white tombstones that honor our veterans. Created by sculptor Alonzo Victor Lewis in 1921, it was originally in front of the old Veteran’s Hall on the Seattle Center campus but was moved in 1998 when McCaw Hall was built. This statue alone is worth a stop at the cemetery.

Coming out of the southern end of Evergreen Washelli, you are faced with the section of Aurora that probably draws the most slings and arrows of disdain. Here you can see more auto shops and more light industry. But there are also institutions like Cyndy’s House of Pancakes, which has been rumored to be closing but is still serving the hot cakes. And Quiring Monuments is a few blocks on. We don’t often think about the need for purchasing a headstone, but, believe me, when you have lost a loved one, it’s a service that you must have and the people there are gifted and kind and damn it, it’s a service we simply must have.

On the southeast corner of 105th sits a now-vacant building that touches on the financial importance and impact of this mother road. Built in the late 1970s, this simple square building is a barometer of our times. In the 1970s they sold waterbeds here, in the 1980s they sold futons, in the 1990s and 2000s it was a check-cashing establishment. What it becomes next will say a lot about who we are in 2011.

A little farther South, you can still eat a burger and fries on a tray hooked to your car window at the Burgermaster. It’s the last of a dying breed (there used to be a second Burgermaster farther south just past Woodland Park that is, alas, long gone).

Across the street is a business that you only know about when you need it, and then you thank heaven it’s there. W.L. May Company is an appliance parts store. All those fancy, stainless appliances we all have or want, break down now and then. And this store, this one store, is where every appliance store in town sends you for parts. If this store front didn’t exist here, you’d have to drive to Southcenter or Lynnwood if your dishwasher needed a particular hose, tray or drain.

And this more than anything is what I love about Aurora. It’s places like this that have those low profit margins, but add so much to the value of living in Seattle. There are hundreds of businesses like this on Aurora. You have been to one of them, one of them has been valuable to you. There’s nothing seedy about needing a futon or an appliance part or a shirt from a thrift store.

Driving on, you pass the most beautiful part of the Aurora experience: Green Lake and Woodland Park. Like Evergreen Washelli, this is a lovely green and open space in the heart of our city. Look fast to the east at the north end of Woodland Park and you’ll see bocce ball courts built by the WPA in the 1930s. A few years ago, Veer Lofts, a swank new condo building in SLU, touted its bocce ball court as a exciting, new rush for the hipsters. Sorry Veer Lofts marketing and PR teams, they’ve been tossing bocce balls at Woodland Park for 80 years. They were hip when SLU looked, well, like most of Aurora.

Now on the journey you run into the most common business on Aurora, and the one that is most troublesome.

From the 1920s to the 1960s, as Seattle’s car culture grew, HWY 99 was the main road in and out of the city. As such, it became a service center for travelers. Aurora is packed with motels, more, in fact, than any other part of Seattle.

There are three generations of motels on Aurora. The earliest date from the 1930s, when people first started venturing out on long road trips on mother roads like Route 66. The Klose-In Motel, with its distinctive green and yellow sign, is an excellent example of the first generation of motels.

The next generation of motels you see, and by far the most prevalent, are motels from the 1960s. Seattle’s World’s Fair brought crowds and prosperity to Seattle. Tourism increased. The ascendancy of Boeing and Nordstrom meant salesmen and new employees coming to town. All these groups needed easy,affordable and temporary housing.

As Seattle continued to grow, modern motels like Travel Lodge and Holiday Inn Express have moved in.

But the growth of this business brings us to the one, undeniably seedy part of life on Aurora: prostitution.

No article on Aurora can ignore this corridor’s relationship to the sex trade. The availability of so many inexpensive motel rooms encouraged their use on an hourly basis. Motel owners turned their heads, pocketed the money and the cycle has gone on for years.

Those inexpensive motel rooms also are serving another purpose. About half the motels on Aurora are now serving as low-cost housing, where residents pay weekly. As the city council debates homeless camps, the more insidious problem is the lack of affordable housing for minimum wage or hourly workers. Again, Aurora is serving a vital need in this community, but in this case a sad one.

Both of these two issues are coming to an ugly head and fast. Aurora, particularly from 85th street down to the George Washington Memorial Bridge (a.k.a Aurora Bridge), is gentrifying. Already, new construction condos are crowding in all the way up to 145th at the north to the bridge, but it’s mostly happening closer to the bridge.

Motels like the old Aloha and Thunderbird are closed and boarded up and covered in graffiti. The Thunderbird, at least, still has its magnificent sign. Their demolition was no doubt delayed by the recession, but more condos will soon crowd this stretch of the highway to the point where you will be driving through canyons of glass.

And that may not be such a bad thing. Seattle is growing; people need places to live. Urban density (oh, how 2007 that phrase is) demands that low-lying small businesses must give way to high-rise mixed-use buildings. Businesses are forced out by the rapidly rising value of the land. A huge condo building is worth more money than, well, let’s say Green Lake Games at 7509 Aurora where they sell, believe it or not, board games and role-playing games.

So the question is, what matters more to the diversity of life in this city? On one side you have a board game retail store, appliance parts stores, a muffler shop and hundreds of other businesses. On the other hand, you have mixed-use high-rise development. And the change from one to the other is happening fast, recession or not. Lake City Way past 80th, Aurora, parts of 35th Avenue NE is about all that’s left for small, light industry businesses north of the cut.

To me, Aurora isn’t a seedy dive, it’s a vital part of life in this city. It’s Über Tavern, a lawmower store, bike shops, pawn-shops, a family business that makes headstones. These are things that we all need to have at one time or another, and we are better for having them here, in the city, rather than someplace far away.

For now, I’m all about that burger, fries, and a shake served on a tray slung over my driver seat window. I love life on Seattle’s Mother Road.