Tag Archives: replacement

New WSDOT Chief Boards Runaway Trains of Viaduct & 520 Projects

520 construction, east side portal (Photo: MvB)
520 construction, east side portal (Photo: MvB)

UPDATE: “Fixing 520 bridge pontoon cracks to cost tens of millions”

Washington State’s Department of Transportation saw a substantial shake-up this week, with the resignation of director Paula Hammond and her replacement by Lynn Peterson — Governor Inslee’s pick was Oregon Governor John Kitzhaber’s “top adviser on transportation and sustainability and a former Clackamas County chairwoman,” reported PubliCola, adding that the appointment was “welcome news for alternative-transportation advocates.”

But Peterson climbs aboard WSDOT with two megaprojects already in progress that threaten not simply Hammond’s reputation as on on-time, on-budget steward, but the state’s fiscal health. The Alaskan Way Viaduct Replacement project and SR 520 Bridge Replacement project amount to more than $7.2 billion in the latest iteration of their ever-changing budgets. (With the design for the western side not final, knowing how much it will cost seems presumptuous.)

In the case of the 520 bridge replacement, cracked pontoons are assembling in Lake Washington even as the project’s budget now lists $1.4 billion in “unfunded need.” This is down from $2 billion, but one way WSDOT has reducing expenses has been to outsource shortfalls. Last October the agency made news by lowballing its previous offer for MOHAI’s land: an earlier offer of $18 million was reduced to $4 million. If that stands, it could cripple or kill the museum, which was relying on WSDOT funds to defray its involuntary move to South Lake Union.

Funding for transit mitigation of viaduct demolition and tunnel construction, meanwhile, expires in June 2014, leaving King County Metro scrounging for $75 million. As Mike Lindblom reports in the Seattle Times, projected tolling revenue from the tunnel continues to disappoint; the estimate is now down to $165 million from $400 million. To make up 520 toll revenue lost to shunpikers, WSDOT hopes to toll I-90. (I-90 drivers object.)

A proposed $10-billion transportation package offers neither project any help — both had won only grudging approval in the Legislature, under the proviso-slash-threat that the megaprojects could expect no help on overruns, provoking years of contentious debate over who, then, would be responsible. Unfortunately, history does not support megaprojects coming in under budget. (Keep in mind that WSDOT had to spend half of the tunnel project’s total cash reserves on concessions designed to get any contractor to take on the project in the first place.)

“SR 99 tunneling machine problem nearly fixed” is the latest headline on the deep-bore tunneling machine. A “tolerance issue in the main-drive unit that occurred during assembly” meant that after its test-run in Japan it had to be disassembled and put back together.

This avoids the broader context of a decaying infrastructure (“America is one big pothole,” said Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood, on his way out the door). It’s by no means a given that the Legislature will pass that $10-billion package (which calls for a long-overdue rise in the gas tax, by ten cents over five years), but even so only $633 million is earmarked for highway maintenance.

New 520 Floating Bridge’s Pontoons are “Disaster,” Inspector Tells KOMO

WSDOT photo taken during the SR 520 pontoon media tour on Nov. 14, 2012.

KOMO News has more allegations from a former inspector, who says that the construction quality of the pontoons for replacement 520 bridge make it a “disaster waiting to happen.” His fate is instructive, especially when it comes to the state Department of Transportation’s response to KOMO inquiries.

WSDOT says, for instance: “WSDOT’s SR 520 construction contracts include multiple requirements for Quality Assurance (QA) managers and other Quality Assurance staff.” That sounds reassuring, but when you read their documentation, you discover that construction firm Kiewit, the “Design-Builder,” is responsible for all “QA and QC for design.”

WSDOT provides Quality Verification (QV) staff, but they get to see the finished results, when there’s significantly more at stake in ordering Kiewit to redo a piece. In this case, with cracks–and leaks–appearing in the pontoons, Kiewit is being asked to fix them. It is not clear how the firm can “fix” instances of the wrong rebar being used, misplaced, or left out entirely.

How this process seems to have played out is that the whistleblowing QA inspector was hired by a subcontractor to Kiewit to oversee construction. After he began writing up non-compliant construction methods, he was reprimanded, he says, and finally laid off after Kiewit complained about his sticklerism. (This is a similar dynamic reported by building inspectors who report shoddy condo construction. Your dance card empties out.)

WSDOT, troublingly, seems unhumbled by an August 2012 performance audit (pdf) that noted: “In general, it appears the Quality Management Plan is not being adhered to by KG and not being enforced by QA or QV.”

This all follows on KOMO’s earlier reporting that two experts agreed the first six pontoons should be “do-overs.” KOMO’s watchdogging had already gotten a promise from Governor Gregoire that an independent expert panel would review the pontoons. (In the Seattle Times, Secretary of Transportation Paula Hammond seemed impervious to alarm, pooh-poohing the issue of cracks in the pontoons: “I have no reason to believe we are going to reject pontoons.”)

Fixed and problem solved? KOMO’s Problem Solvers have since discovered that concrete in the next cycle of pontoons is cracking, as well.

Finally, you might ask what the hurry is? WSDOT has adopted a furious pace in shipping the pontoons, despite that fact that $1.4 billion in funding for the project remains to be found. Despite predicting traffic volumes of between 90,000 and 100,000 cars per day in the first year of tolling on 520, WSDOT reported that an average of 63,500 cars crossed the bridge weekdays, January to June 2012.

A recent budget update sliced $522 million from the project’s original $4.65 billion price, reducing it to $4.1 billion, which should help slightly with subpar toll revenue. But ultimately, moving money from pot to pot leads to stories like these: WSDOT is also said to have reduced the amount it was to pay MOHAI for its land to $4 million from $18 million (when I asked for details, a WSDOT communications officer told me she’d get back to me after a meeting on that topic, and did not).

Balky Contractors Push Back Against WSDOT’s SR 520 Opening Date

(Photo: MvB)

WSDOT has announced all three design-build contractor teams for the SR 520 project have indicated WSDOT’s aggressive schedule carries enough risk that they’d have to submit higher bids than WSDOT might like. That can’t happen, because this project, like the deep-bore tunnel, has a funding cap.


While the goal for replacing the aging State Route 520 floating bridge remains December 2014, the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) is providing more flexibility to open the new bridge to traffic by July 2015–a move that could reduce risk and make for better bids on the project.

Note that non-armor-plated “could,” which means that WSDOT is also announcing that the six-month delay might not reduce risk or make for better bids. WSDOT is still pushing hard for a December 2014 opening date, and has built in an early-finish incentive package of up to $2.5 million. WSDOT Deputy Transportation Secretary Dave Dye says lower bids are expected make up for the incentives.

WSDOT’s SR 520 project site still displays $2 billion unfunded for the bridge replacement, and thanks to a delay in implementing tolling is foregoing about $1 million per week in anticipated revenue. WSDOT plans to make up for that by extending the life of the tolls.