Tag Archives: Rhye

Rhye Lays on the Sexy in Seattle

Rhye (Photo: Kelsey Kaufman)

(Photo: Kelsey Kaufman)

Like a lot of people I’m sure, I was surprised to see that Rhye’s lead singer wasn’t a chick. Shows how much I know.

However, I need to cut myself a bit of slack. Rhye has done a good job at remaining fairly anonymous. Word on the street is that the second half of Rhye (known as Robin Hannibal) has tinnitus, so he wasn’t at this tour stop. However, it seemed the crowd could care less. Or maybe like me, they didn’t know any better.

On Monday night at Neumos, the five-piece band was dressed in all black, putting the entire focus on lead singer (and man of mystery) Mike Milosh. Rhye opened with “Verse,” the most minimal — both lyrically and musically — song off their debut album, Woman. It sobered up the crowd and left plenty of room for the talented band to show off on the next track, “3 Days.”

One of the highlights of the evening was Milosh singing in his pitch perfect voice, “I figured he should just keep playing cause he’s from Seattleeee” to the piano player, Steve. “How long can Steve goooo?” It was cute, and another example of Milosh’s vocal ability to sound soulful yet sweet.

A short hour with Rhye was far from satisfactory. They closed with “It’s Over,” a song not off their album. Before the lights came on, Milosh instructed the audience to be silent while the entire band stepped away slowly from the mic. Milosh sang the word “somewhere” and “it’s over” repeatedly. I saw a few jaws drop.

Rhye lays on the sexy. It’s baby-makin’ music, without much depth. However, the sexy never seems unnatural or forced. While I’m a fan of the entire album, the opening tracks “Open” and “The Fall” can outshine the rest. There was plenty of improvisation and extended melodies on Monday night. Rhye did their best to give the audience their money’s worth, often apologizing for their brevity.

The lethal combination of an unventilated (and packed) Neumos along with Milosh’s bedroom songs led for a sweaty, seductive summer evening. Anonymity is soon to be a thing of the past for Rhye.