Tag Archives: seattle spotlight

Seattle Spotlight: My Faith in Humanity Grew Three Sizes Today

Pointless sign graffiti on an Aurora Ave. side street.

Within the span of four hours today, I saw two hit and runs. We’re talking completely knocked off and dangling wing mirrors, scrapes on the assaulted vehicle, and the car just speeding off. Both times I could see the face of the fleeing driver, and I think I just expected more… fear. Maybe something like terrified remorse.

Believing the best about people is hard when it goes beyond a passive-aggressive line-cutting, or muddled ideas about who has the right of way. When intentionality is obvious, it’s hard to sympathize with humanity. You’re left thinking, Come on people—vandalism? Hit and runs? Recently someone (somehow) threw a decent-sized boulder in a Des Moines house rental property pool that a family member of mine rents out. You know, just to be nice and ruin the residents’ and the landlord’s week. I mean, what do people have to gain from pointless, random acts of badness?

So today, when I saw an elderly gentleman devote his time to cleaning graffiti off a sign, a spark of faith flickered in my heart again. I snapped some shots and just stood there mesmerized and smiling for a few minutes, watching him apply the appropriate cleaners, squint through the lenses of his wrap-around black cover ups, bend over to pick up a dropped rag as cars flew by on both sides of him. It was just nice to see someone actually step up and spread good, instead of the usual reactions, from which none of us are exempt: passing the blame, hating on others, leaving the responsibility to some abstract other—city services included.

Seeing this man clean off some graffiti on an Aurora Avenue side street absolutely made my day. Today I’m grateful for all the good in people and the world. And for exceptional humans like this one.

For more good news like this, connect with us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Life is better with friends. 

Looking Ahead at The SunBreak

via greatcities.org

Changes are just all over the place at The SunBreak these days. Michael van Baker and Audrey Hendrickson are leaving, Rachel Breiwick and I are on our way in, and change is in the air.

With the official power changeover happening this very week, now seemed like the perfect time to clue in readers on what to expect with new captains at the helm. So here’s what’s coming your way, The SunBreak. Specifically…

A New Posting Series

You may have already noticed, but beginning Monday, September 9, Rachel launched the first of our new weekday series, Your Daily SunBreak. With Your Daily SunBreak, you’ll find everything you love about The SunBreak in a whole new format, with each day bringing its own delicious little slice of Seattle.

On Mondays, you’ll find The Weekend Debrief, catching you up on all the best and most interesting of the weekend’s goings-on. On Tuesdays, become a better citizen with our City Focus, keeping you abreast of the latest and greatest in politics and civic-mindedness. On hump day, we’ll liven up your workweek with the Seattle Spotlight, a wild card post about whatever we think will strike your fancy.

Be sure you’ve eaten — or else are ready to hit the town — on Thursdays, when we post our 5 Things to Know Before Ordering At…, exposing the need-to-know elements before you visit that new place. And, to round out the week, you’ll wonder how you ever lived without our new The Week Ahead post, giving you a heads up about all the events to keep on your radar.

More Articles

Our number one priority at The SunBreak is providing you with the highest quality articles possible, and as many as you can read. We anticipate upping that number in the near future, so stay tuned for the news that matters. We promise not to waste your time.

More Reader Involvement

We love our readers. And we think it’s time to take this relationship to the next level. You can already like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter (and if you haven’t yet, what are you waiting for?), but soon you’ll be able to get even more SunBreak goodness on Instagram, and contribute your vision of Seattle to our front page. We know our readers are intelligent and creative people, with much to contribute, and we can’t wait to see what ideas you might have for us. We want to know what you know and see what you see. Insta-addicts, start your engines.

We have big plans for The SunBreak, and we are thrilled to get to take you all with us as we move forward. Get excited, Seattle. It’s going to be good.