Tag Archives: seattle summer

Say Goodbye to the Blue Angels with One Last Photo Gallery

Locals tend to hate Seafair. It’s terrifyingly loud, it screws up traffic all over town, and it culminates in a multi-million-dollar military recruiting tool in the guise of family entertainment. Some Seattleites, especially those in the thick of it along Lake Washington go so far as to leave town, to purposely avoid these loud summer Seafair days.

Those people are fools. If you’re going to do Seafair, do it right. Flex your social networks, successfully ingratiate yourself to a couple living in Leschi with an amazing view, and climb on the roof to enjoy every single minute of the bombastic air show. Because it is awesome.


America, Fuck Yeah. (All photos Peter Majerle.)

Pulling up short. (All photos Peter Majerle.)

Loop de loop. (All photos Peter Majerle.)

On the way back down. (All photos Peter Majerle.)

In formation. (All photos Peter Majerle.)

In order to form a more perfect union. (All photos Peter Majerle.)

And the crowd goes wild. (All photos Peter Majerle.)

The neighbors ooohed and ahhed and took photos too, of course. (All photos Peter Majerle.)

Coming in close. (All photos Peter Majerle.)

Insert panoramic Bellevue shot here. (All photos Peter Majerle.)

(All photos Peter Majerle.)

Not to be outdone by some metal machines, a hummingbird got in the act. (All photos Peter Majerle.)

(All photos Peter Majerle.)

Smoke on the water. (All photos Peter Majerle.)

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So as of 9:30 this morning, farewell to the Blue Angels for another year. Or as I overheard a dad explain to his son who was addled by all that sound barrier-breaking and in need of some comforting: “The pilots are going home. They’re going to watch Thomas and Friends and Dinosaur Train. Then they’ll drink their chocolate milk and take a nap.” After Sunday’s thrilling air show, the Blue Angels pilots have certainly earned some rest.