Tag Archives: street chant

If You Didn’t Get Enough Lemonhead(s) This Weekend…

Fresh off of his sold-out Triple Door gig Saturday night, Evan Dando, the Lemonheads’ lead singer and songwriter, is playing two low-key shows at the Comet Tavern tonight and tomorrow.

Tonight, things start at 8 sharp (get going, now!), with Street Chant, the scrappy New Zealand combo who opened for him at the Triple Door, warming things up.

 Tomorrow night, he plays even earlier: 7:30pm, with local trio Cali Giraffes (the newest project from local power bassist/Northwest rock goddess Kim Warnick) opening.

As multiple parties will attest (and our own SlightlyNorth/Shawn McClung corroborated photographically), Dando’s a terrific live performer, and seeing him play in the more intimate and beer-stained environs of Capitol Hill’s best scruffy punk rock club should be a hoot-and-a-half. Don’t miss.



The Lemonheads @ The Triple Door [Photo Gallery]

Last night Evan Dando and The Lemonheads played to a packed house at The Triple Door. I say “Evan Dando and The Lemonheads” because the show featured just as many songs with Evan acoustic and alone on stage as it did with the rest of his band.

The set was billed as 1992 album It’s A Shame About Ray in its entirety, but after five or six songs by himself, I was wondering when that would occur. I didn’t have to worry though, because just then the rest of the band came out and launched into the album we all wanted to hear. It was an amazing performance by The Lemonheads, sounding just as good as they did nineteen years ago.

They didn’t play the hidden-track fan favorite cover of “Mrs. Robinson”–apparently Paul Simon hated Evan’s version, while Art Garfunkel liked it. But half an hour later, once the album was done, the band left Evan all by himself for another handful of solo acoustic songs. I don’t know that you could call it an encore, considering Evan never really left the stage, as the band joined him one last time for a set featuring “Into Your Arms,” which, for me, was the highlight of the night.

All in all, a great show. Evan’s voice sounded just as good as it always has and his songs will always remind me of a simpler time. The 1990s.

I also shot a video of “Alison’s Starting To Happen,” one of my all-time favorite Lemonheads songs:

Openers were The Shining Twins from New York and Street Chant from New Zealand.

Lots of photos from the show follow.

Continue reading The Lemonheads @ The Triple Door [Photo Gallery]