Tag Archives: vaughan williams

A Symphony of Hope

Andrew Manze has been better known in Seattle for his mastery of the Baroque violin and his ability to engage and pull in listeners like the Pied Piper, but for some years now he has been moving into conducting and expanding his range to the full classical repertoire.

This week he is here conducting one of the Seattle Symphony’s Masterworks series at Benaroya Hall. While the program included, Thursday night, one Baroque work by Henry Purcell, arranged from various short piece into a Suite by Benjamin Britten and Manze himself, the other two works were Mozart’s Piano Concerto No. 23 in A Major with soloist Simone Dinnerstein, and Vaughan Williams’ Fifth Symphony in D Major.

Anyone expecting a Baroque-style approach to the Purcell and 18th century performance practices applied to the Mozart would have been disappointed.

The Purcell Suite arrangements are for a modern orchestra, though using only Purcell’s notes. The four sections are brief, a couple of them just snatches, so that there is barely time to get into them before they are over. Nevertheless, Manze and the slightly reduced symphony gave a sprightly performance.

The Mozart sounded unabashedly modern. It was composed in 1786, when the piano was in its infancy. Mozart would have used an early fortepiano, a light, agile instrument with brief tone decay, very different from the ponderous, nine-foot Steinway grand piano with the lid full up that Dinnerstein used. She is a remarkable pianist, one who considers and shapes every note, and her and the orchestra’s performance had vigor and excitement, but not the elegance we associate with Mozart. The audience was politely enthusiastic, but overall this was not a moving performance.

What a contrast was the Vaughan Williams!

Manze took a few minutes to put this symphony in the context of its time. It was composed between 1938 and 1943, begun when the clouds of war were gathering all over Europe, and completed and first performed at the Promenade Concerts in London in 1943. London had endured two years of bomb-battering and destruction by then, and one year of some victories accomplished at great price. By 1943, the tide was turning, and England felt it might come out of this terrible war on the winning side — which had not been so clear, despite Churchill’s valiant words, in the early war years.

This symphony, as described to Manze by a 95-year-old who had been at that first performance as a sound engineer, came to the audience like a beacon of hope.

And that’s how Manze conducted this big work, 42 minutes long. The first movement sounds like the rising dawn of a promising day, continuing upwards into a time of peaceful sunniness with the brass contributing to the high warmth of noon, and then gradually dropping gently, but still peaceful, still open and warm, towards dusk and evening’s silence. You can almost hear the birds.

A light and slightly quirky movement follows, quite short, folk-like and upbeat, but still with the serenity engendered by the first, and then a slower, more stately, quite somber movement, with a spiritual, processional feel.

Lastly comes a movement of optimistic determination, a kind of British grit in music, but with a particularly beautiful serene midsection, the sound flowing, the instruments weaving in and out of each others’ melodies.

This is not in any way listed as a war symphony, yet it captures the spirit of the time with a message of better times to come. Manze and the orchestra gave it their all in a profoundly sensitive performance, the orchestra played its heart out and at the end, the audience stayed silent for a long, long moment before the appreciative applause broke out.

This program is repeated Saturday, Oct. 12.

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Auburn Symphony Benefit Treats Crowd to a Galop and Cancan

The title of the concert, Music Especially for You, said it all. The Auburn Symphony Orchestra’s benefit concert Sunday afternoon at Auburn Performing Arts Center was given with the musicians and conductor donating their services to the community.

In return, they hoped the community would come to hear them play a bunch of familiar and popular pieces of music, and come it did, in droves, perhaps the biggest audience the orchestra has ever had at the PAC. The tickets bought Sunday will help the orchestra build its financial reserves, the start of a big fundraising effort to build those reserves over the next few years.

Maestro Stewart Kershaw

Conductor Stewart Kershaw introduced each piece from the podium, briefly, with humor, and often a little anecdote. The music ranged from the very well-known, like the Galop from Rossini’s William Tell Overture (in its other guise the music signaling the Lone Ranger) and Offenbach’s Cancan from his operetta Orpheus in the Underworld, for which Kershaw invited the audience to kick up its heels in the aisles; to familiar, peaceful works like the serene Adagio for Strings by Samuel Barber and Bach’s Air on the G String.

Kershaw chose works which highlighted members of the orchestra, like Vaughan Williams’ arrangement of Greensleeves with principal flutist Karla Flygare, and Saint-Saens’ The Swan from Carnival of the Animals, with principal cellist Brian Wharton. Both soloists performed excellently, Wharton’s tone being particularly rich and warm throughout. Concertmaster Brittany Boulding took on Sarasate’s Carmen Fantasy, a fiendishly difficult work for any violinist, in which she achieved all the notes including the very tricky octave harmonics, but it was probably not the best showcase for her undoubted abilities.

Dvorak’s Slavonic Dance No 8, Tchaikovsky’s adaptation of Mozart’s Ave Verum Corpus, the Waltz from Act 1 of Tchaikovsky’s Swan Lake were among other delectable offerings, varied and well chosen. The orchestra gave their usual fine performances throughout, though there were some ragged edges in Strauss’s Blue Danube Waltz; and the program ended with a lively rendering of Elgar’s Pomp and Circumstance March No 1.

However, it wouldn’t be Auburn without an encore, and after several returns for bows and applause, Kershaw turned back to his fine professional orchestra, and gave the downbeat for a rousing performance of Sousa’s Stars and Stripes Forever, with the piccolos standing for their prominent role and later the trombones and trumpets doing the same.