Tag Archives: White Stripes

My Goodness, Ravenna Woods, and Sugar Sugar Sugar Rock Neumos Tomorrow Night

My Goodness, that Schneider kid rocks. (photo: Tony Kay)

Damn you, eternally-fertile Seattle music scene. The nerve of you, forcing the most agonizing of Sophie’s Choices on clubgoers. In addition to the Lemonheads gig already duly noted on this lovely site, Neumo’s has also demonstrated the unmitigated gall to program one of the best local, non-festival rock shows in recent memory tomorrow.

Rock power duos have become a sub-genre unto themselves in the wake of the White Stripes and the Black Keys, but local boys My Goodness are anything but bandwagon-jumpers. Guitarist Joel Schneider and drummer Ethan Jacobsen play (and in Schneider’s case, sing) like demons: They’re the Sonics or AC/DC to the White Stripes’ Led Zeppelin and the Black Keys’ Otis Redding. And they flat-out rage live.

Speaking of raging, that and acoustic instruments aren’t often synonymous…unless you’re talking about Ravenna Woods, the second band of the evening. My respect for their blend of acoustic instrumentation and explosive tension turned to worship after an amazing live gig at Doe Bay Fest. As I’ve said before, it’s the sound of someone fully awash in the pastoral beauty of nature, yet fully aware of the demons lurking in the dark corners of the forest. 

Finally (or firstly, if you really want to split hairs), get to Neumo’s early tomorrow to see openers Sugar Sugar Sugar. They’re coming all the way down from Bellingham to play the gig, and their charismatic, swaggering variety of glammy Stooges groove-rock makes for perfect driving music. Andru Creature’s stuttering vocals, Justin Verlanic’s gutter-glam licks, and Lupe Flores’ hot-pants drumming come on like a muscle car cruising the streets of Detroit. If I wasn’t indisposed of already (and Evan Dando’s band of merry popsters weren’t direct competition), my plans for the night’d be a no-brainer.