Pub trivia. 8:00. The Old Pequliar in Ballard. I’m hosting. Be there, answer questions, win valuable cash and maybe-valuable-if-you-squint-just-right prizes.
You can win free beer for answering this question correctly ahead of time and showing up:
What local institution lets you become a chairman, explorer, founder, pioneer, or president? And what event do you get to attend with complimentary tickets if you pay for the most expensive of those options?
Email your answer to james at One team that comes up with the correct answer wins a free pitcher of beer.
What else do you need to know? The quiz starts at 8:00, but it’s usually a good idea to come earlier to get a table. You can have up to 6 people on your team. It costs $5 (for 5 or fewer players) or $7 (for 6 players) to play.
One more thing to know for tonight: A team last week requested a round on “Full-Frontal Nudity in Non-X-Rated Films.” So see what you can do to research that without venturing into NSFW territory.