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posted 12/22/09 07:27 AM | updated 12/22/09 09:29 AM
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Brandon Morrow to Toronto, Because Mariners Don't Care About Pedigree

By Seth Kolloen
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Which pitcher would you rather have?

Pitcher A: 74.2 IP, 76 K, 21 BB, 8 HR allowed. Ground ball/Fly ball: 1.23.
Pitcher B: 69.2 IP, 63 K, 44 BB, 10 HR allowed. Ground ball/Fly ball: 0.57.

Word came last night that former M's first round pick Brandon Morrow was traded to Toronto for reliever Brandon League and a prospect. The general media consensus is that this prospect will be a good one, since Morrow was such a high draft pick.

But I'm not so sure. In that little quiz above, League is pitcher A, and Morrow is pitcher B. Looks to me like League's the better pitcher.

Oh, but Morrow has such great stuff, you say? Well, so does League--he throws a mid 90s fastball and a high 90s sinker. And though League was selected in the 2001 draft, five years before Morrow, he's actually only 16 months older.

One thing I love about Jack Zduriencik is that he doesn't make decisions based on reputation. Russell Branyan was considered a part-time player, but Zduriencik made him a starter and got 31 homers from him. Last year, Zduriencik went into spring training with only one established reliever on the roster, Tyler Miller Walker, then cut the guy before opening day when he pitched poorly in Cactus League play. (Commenter Jon caught my mistake, and also notes that established reliever Miguel Batista was on the roster. Point stands, though.)

Contrast this with Bill Bavasi, who consistently overspent for reputation over performance in his acquisitions of Rich Aurilia, Scott Spezio, Carl Everett, Richie Sexson, Jose Vidro, Miguel Batista, Carlos Silva ... need I go on?

The difference I think is in the upbringing of the two men. Bavasi was the son of a baseball executive, with a leg up on the competition. His dad gave him a front office job with the Angels at age 24.

Zduriencik, on the other hand, was the son of a steel mill worker. He didn't get a job in baseball until he was 30, and that was as an area scout, the lowest possible rung of baseball administration.

No wonder Zduriencik looks at Morrow and sees a pitcher living on reputation, not performance.

Now League has his issues too--with control, primarily. But his walk numbers aren't nearly as high as Morrow's.

Morrow gave us some thrilling moments: His near-no-hitter of the Yankees in 2008 was the most exciting game of that dismal season and effectively knocked the Yanks out of the playoffs that year. But more often, Morrow struggled to do the one thing a pitcher must: throw the ball over the plate.

I hope the Mariners do get a top prospect in addition to League. But if they don't, I'm okay with the trade anyway.

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Tags: Brandon Morrow, mariners, mlb, Jack Zduriencik, Brandon League
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Brandon Morrow trade
Seth -- that's Tyler Walker (not Tyler Miller) and Miguel Batista (an established reliever and starter) was also on the M's spring training roster last March.
Comment by jon
3 days ago
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Morrow v League
Morrow reminds me of Gil Meche when he played for the M's, lots of brilliant moments. Perhaps a change of scenery for both of these guys will help bring out the true potential in each.
Comment by Jim
2 days ago
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League vs. Jackson
So, the word was that Edwin Jackson was on the table from the Tigers for Morrow and Shawn Kelley.

I think Jackson's kind of overrated, and I don't think he's as great as he performed last year, but he would have been great as a #3 pitcher for us.

Doesn't a MR, even a good one like League, seem like a helluva lot less than getting Edwin Jackson?

There was still potential for Morrow to be a good SP. Not one worthy of a Top 10 pick, but one that contributes to a winning team.
Comment by Frank
2 days ago
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Well, again, I think Zduriencik's M.O. is not to worry about whether a guy is a "#3 starter" (or even whether he is a starter) but rather to get guys who'll throw strikes and keep the baseball in the stadium. Jackson gave up 27 homers last year and walked 70 guys. That's 97 batters Jack's defense can't do anything about.
Comment by Seth Kolloen
2 days ago
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Fed up with Morrow
I was a true believe in Brandon for quite a while. I was there at that thrilling Yanks game - one the M's best moments in the past few years.

But time after time after time he just didn't deliver. I think Jim is right - he'll do fine somewhere else. But it's gotta be somewhere else.
Comment by bilco
2 days ago
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Felix - Morrow???
Can someone tell me why a pitcher like Morrow isn't considered a young guy with great stuff that hasn't come into it yet? He's 25 yeards old, pitchers generally get better with age. We gave Felix several years to develop. Why doesn't Morrow get the same treatment. I am not so sure Morrow is better than League or vice versa but I am just not sure I see the point of this trade. League is a reliever, and that is it from what it sounds, Morrow could be one hell of a starter for us, but leave it to Mariners management to mess up another great prospect by throwing him into the majors to early and then sticking him in the bullpen because they didn't know what else to do.
Comment by Jason
2 days ago
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