Glimpses: "Rainier on Tap"

Rainer on Tap

It ain’t champagne, but it’ll do for baptizing the new year around here. Thanks to longstanding friend of the Sunbreak Troy J. Morris for heading to Winlock, spotting this tap, and adding the proof to our Flickr pool.

6 thoughts on “Glimpses: "Rainier on Tap"”

  1. But this sure doesn’t look like a tap to me – it looks like a bottle! Am I missing something here? Or was there too much sampling going on?

  2. I agree with your assessment, but opted not to call out the photographer. I probably could’ve been more hard-hitting in my description, though …

  3. Make no mistake about it, that is Rainer in a bottle.

    We went on a roadtrip and Rainer was “on tap” metaphorically for the trip. That and, for some weird reason, rum and cokes. Moreover, this was actually in Olympia at the Brotherhood Tavern, where we stopped en route to Winlock, home of the World’s Largest Egg.

  4. And I must say there’s no such thing as ‘too much’. On second thought – after this morning – there is.

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