The SunBreak
posted 06/04/10 02:41 PM | updated 06/05/10 11:09 AM
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Naked PETA Demonstration Downtown is a Bust (Yes, Photos)

By Michael van Baker
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Photo: Morgen Schuler

PETA kicked off the Seattle Green Festival one day early, with a demonstration at noon at Westlake. Partly obscured by a banner reading, "Clean Your Conscience: Go Vegan! 1 lb. of Meat = 6 Months of Showers," two naked PETA models "showered" in the great outdoors of the pedestrian plaza. Look for all the hot nude action on your local TV news tonight (KOMO 4 and KING 5 KIRO 7 were there).

It's green wisdom that reducing the meat in your diet is a good way of reducing your contribution to CO2 emissions. PETA says why not go whole hog, and leave the hog alone? They quote researchers at the University of Chicago, who "determined that switching to a vegan diet is more effective in countering climate change than switching from a standard car to a Toyota Prius."

Our naked-PETA correspondent says that as a demonstration, it's a bit of a bust (pun intended). PETA was handing out pamphlets, but most people came by, took pictures with their cameraphones, and left, refusing the pamphlets when offered. And apparently it didn't take long for the people in buildings overlooking Westlake plaza to discover they had better view than bystanders.

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Tags: peta, naked, nude, shower, westlake, demonstration, vegan
Awwwww. They should've at least taken a pamphlet. I can't commit to going vegan, but I respect those who do. And I agree we'd all be a lot healthier with a few less "can haz cheezburgers"...

Comment by Callie Lorentson
4 days ago
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RE: :(
Comment by Audrey Hendrickson
4 days ago
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Peta is a bunch of hypocrites, telling people that they shouldn't eat meat, they shouldn't kill animals, yet they think it's better to euthanize dogs entrusted in their care than to find them proper homes. They took in donations to help the Michael Vick dogs when he got arrested, yet they took that money in ran. They say they used it to help educate people, yet, dogfighting still takes place and dogfighting was already illegal in 48 of the 50 states before the Vick indcident ever happened, so where did that money really go? Peta takes in MILLIONS of dollars in donations, while local shelters and rescues take in the mere thousands, yet, Peta couldn't find placement for 2000+ dogs in 2009, so they had to euthanize them while the local shelter was able to adopt out 90% of the same number of animals that they took in.

If you have a dog, that you care of, you might as well euthanize him or her right now if you support PETA since they believe that people shouldn't have dogs in the first place.
Comment by Hate PETA
4 days ago
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healing power of meat
wtf are they wearing heals?

PETA keeps making a mockery of themselves.
Comment by TroyJMorris
4 days ago
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RE: healing power of meat
that's what I was wondering. apparently you need to be seemingly tall and sexy when you're washing yourself for animal's rights.
Comment by morgen
4 days ago
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Those people in the article were just taking those pictures to jack off to later. Nobody gives a damn about animals. Why do you think they refused the pamphlets? Sheesh, when will PETA learn?
Comment by Nikki
3 days ago
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PETA = media whores
Sorry, I gave up on PETA a long time ago when their media stunts overtook any message they tried to make. Besides being complete leftist loonies, they spend more time agitating than saving animals that have been harmed. When they espouse that animals should have same rights as humans, I am not sure what any animal is going to say when they get up in court! If you do go vegan and especially organic, the amount of man hours needed to grow the food doubles at least. I am pretty sure the math doesn't add up. There is a big difference in protein vs fiber in your diet. But then man was never supposed to pig out on 72 ounces of steak at one time either.
Comment by Buzzsaw
3 days ago
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