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By Michael van Baker Views (715) | Comments (5) | ( 0 votes)

Lines stretched everywhere at a sold-out SAM Remix Friday night. (The Seattle Art Museum's next Remix event will be at the Sculpture Park on August 27. Sign up for more information.) I'd dropped in at a Remix before, which had a lively, museum-at-night wine-and-cheese feel, but this was an event. I could tell because people were dressed up. For further evidence, check the #samremix Twitter stream.

From 8 p.m. to midnight, the museum was thronged with people dancing to KEXP's DJ Riz, drinking, designing a cover for the Stranger, singing karaoke, taking "highly opinionated tours" from celebrities, and watching Warhol films. The art tours began at 8:30 p.m. with Seth Aaron Henderson, designer and the winner of Project Runway's season seven, and wrapped up at 10:45 p.m. with musician and man-about-town Sean "Harvey Danger" Nelson. Henderson also gave a talk about his favorite works at SAM, and Nelson performed live.

The "Pop Culture Fashion" runway show drew a big crowd to the South Hall, and brought dayglo outfits, Warhol homages, punk rock DIY, and...well, the slideshow below will do a better job of this than I can. It was presented by the New York Fashion Academy, and featured creations by Anna D Designs, Mille Vixen, Samara Clothing Co., Evolve, Cameron Levin Couture, The House of Gina Marie, Lady Konyaku, Lekkerlife, Reyes Clothing Co., Jesse David, and Yurkanin Design House. (Complaints about my photography should be addressed to the heavens, while shaking a fist.)...

By josh Views (218) | Comments (1) | ( +1 votes)

$5 Cover: Seattle Trailer from MTV New Media on Vimeo.

On Monday, the Seattle version of $5 Cover premiered all twelve episodes to a SIFF Cinema packed with cast, crew, volunteers, MTV producers, and Seattle music fans. The installments, along with short documentaries about each of the bands and B-side films about Seattle, won't start appearing online until June. Since everyone else will have to wait, I won't say too much beyond reporting that the finished product is so much better than the long-circulating trailer (above) suggests. 

When Audrey and I last discussed this matter, a map of band relationships had sparked delight and the preview footage had raised modest skepticism. Seeing the preview, I worried about how uncomfortable it might be to see musicians reading scripted lines to portray slightly more dramatic versions of themselves in service of thinly contrived plot devices. Happily, most of the moments of forced narrative are shown in the trailer itself, and the rest of the project quickly begins to feel more like a gently observed documentary than forced reality programming. ...

By josh Views (268) | Comments (2) | ( 0 votes)

The Seattle edition of MTV's $5 Cover, directed by Lynn Shelton and filmed around town this summer, is about ready to hit the web. Audrey and Josh chat about it for your enjoyment.

$5 Cover Seattle, the organizational chart

Audrey: Do you have anything to say about the $5 Cover trailer?
Josh: Not yet. I've had that Vimeo tab sitting open, sadly neglected, forever. It seems that just like my intentions to crash one of the filmings this summer, my interest did not overcome my laziness and attention deficit. For instance, I am not entirely clear on whether this is an on-television series or an internet-only series (like Josh Schwartz's mildly watchable buzz band showcase Rockville, CA).
Audrey: It's a web series, I believe. I don't even know that much about it!

Josh: Unlike my time machine, which is out for repairs and prevents me from seeing one of these episodes being filmed at a character-filled local rock venue, my internet machine still works, so I can remedy my ignorance. Hang on and I'll take a look at the trailer.
Audrey: ...
Josh: While I'm dialing that up, a procedural question: This trailer has been up for months, why is everyone suddenly talking about it?
Audrey: The vid has been on Vimeo for a bit, but the Mayor's Office of Film and Music recently wrote about it, which is why it's been everywhere lately.
Josh: Now that I've watched it, a few observations:...
