Tag Archives: sunshine

The Sun’ll Come Out Tomorrow, Seattle!

Artist’s conception of a sunny day in Seattle (Photo: MvB)

The heat is not on. Yet. It may seem difficult to credit, at the downstream end of the atmospheric river we’ve been paddling through this week, but by Friday afternoon, summer is going to break out all over. The mercury should raise to 80, but that’s just a warm-up to the warm-up. KOMO’s Seth Wayne predicts an August-style weekend: “82-85 degrees is expected across much of the area on Saturday and Sunday.” Monday and Tuesday should only get hotter: upper 80s. East of the mountains, it may get into triple digits.

UW meteorologist Cliff Mass says the culprit is a major ridge of high pressure setting up camp west of the Rockies. It may or may not weaken much in advance of July 4th itself. The National Weather Service cautions: “Don’t forget that area rivers are still running fast and cold, and that the heat can have an adverse affect on the elderly and the sick.” (A family had to be rescued from the Green River just last Saturday, when their raft snagged on tree branches.)

Heat can also have deleterious effects on Pride Parade celebrants and supporters, especially if the partying never really stopped from the night before. If you spot anyone looking overheated at PrideFest at Seattle Center, try to herd them into the fountain for a bit.

That Weekend Pre-Summer Mother’s Day Scorcher You Ordered

NWS radar as of Friday morning, showing clear skies

It’s Friday morning, and thus time to begin thinking seriously about the weekend. Despite the relatively air-cooled sunshine of the past few days, says UW meteorologist Cliff Mass, “we are about to have [a] heat wave–one that will bring near 80F temps to Seattle, 85F to Portland, and near 90F in Medford.” Plus, he adds, “Monday will be warm as well.” Three-day weekend! For the moms.

That’s right, in case you’ve forgotten, Mother’s Day is this Sunday. But first, Saturday, which the National Weather Service tells us will reach 77 degrees; then Sunday, even warmer, near 80; and Monday, high of 79: All of which is to say that we have string of three great days in front of us. Use them wisely, because a moist, chilly June Gloom is likely waiting for you, just around the corner.

Speaking of Mother’s Day, a few items: Grand Central Bakery suggests la mama might like an 8-inch round Coffee Cake topped with local fruit, a tender Coconut Layer Cake, or a Strawberry-Rhubarb U-Bake Pie. Five percent of Mother’s Day purchases are donated to local charities that help low-income mothers. If your mom’s a tea lover, Choice Organic Teas is giving a private tour ($50, reservation required) of their Seattle, certified organic tea factory with a tea tasting–that’s Saturday, not Sunday, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Comes with complimentary mug and three boxes of tea!

Brunch is always a hot ticket: I’m not telling you where I’m going because I don’t want hordes of people there, you’ll have to try out the new brunch at Vios–AW DAMMIT!–another time. Other Seattle options: Urbane (3-course prix fixe), the venerable Ivar’s Salmon House, Café Campagne naturellement, any of T-Doug’s joints. In Kirkland: bin on the lake (two words: bacon beignets) and Beach Café also have special brunches.

Just remember it’s going to be hot, and you’ll need to alternate the mimosas with water. Remember what happened last year. It’s always embarrassing to have to bail mom out for a D&D.