The SunBreak

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By Michael van Baker Views (79) | Comments (0) | ( 0 votes)

Okay, I won't lie. It's always a good time to advertise on The SunBreak if you want to reach Seattle readers at really great rates.

Over 120,000 people have visited The SunBreak since we launched in September of last year, the majority of them from Washington State. That isn't that surprising, given our Seattle news and culture focus; serving our Seattle audience first is one way we stand out. It's easy to pump page views with pop culture, but we want this to be a local water cooler, for people around here.

We've served up 300,000 page views to what Quantcast calls a "fairly wealthy, more educated, skewing older, slightly male slanted audience." (Fairly wealthy as in 63 percent earn over $60,000 per year, and 35 percent earn over $100,000.) They're interested more than average in news and politics, science and nature, travel, and sports.

Currently, we see over 10,000 unique visitors per month, with over 40,000 page views. If you bought the most expensive banner ad on the site, every single impression, it would cost $1,200 for a whole month. I still can't get over how inexpensive online advertising is--speaking as someone who's paid $500 for a single ad on a single page of a weekly. And that was on sale.

You can buy the top sidebar ad for $150 per month. (Note: That's going to change soon, it's actually an introductory offer from when we had less traffic.)

We can also offer custom ad placement and sponsorships for story categories, so you can target readers with specific interests. (We don't sell page-specific ads though, sorry. That's a little too granular to be worthwhile.) If you have questions or offers (Yes, non-profits, we can give you a discounted rate), email us: advertise at And thanks for supporting local media!

By Michael van Baker Views (84) | Comments (0) | ( 0 votes)

Since we started The SunBreak in September of '09 over 54,000 unique visitors have come to the site. Last month, we served up over 35,000 page views to over 15,000 readers. People just like you! People who like a little news, some sports, a lot of arts and culture, a bit of food and drink. And occasionally deranged hordes from Harvard.

Readership, and repeat readership, is really the best reward we get for the work we do, which is otherwise unprofitable at this point. You'd think, an online magazine, why that's a license to print money! (It turns out that's just an expression, or so the Treasury tells me.)

How you read is up to you: Our stories can appear in your news stream if you fan us on Facebook. You can get them tweeted to you. (Thanks to everyone who's put us on a Twitter list, you're loved.) Our stories can all show up in your RSS reader--subscribe now. We're also trying out a daily email summary, sent out after 5 p.m. Or, you're old school, we respect that, just bookmark or "favorite" The SunBreak. Stay tuned for mobile platform news; the boys at Instivate have a fleet of elves on it.

You can also participate--write your own post. That could be Front Page material you're sitting on. Or drop your best shots into our SunBreak Flickr pool. Every weekday we choose a pool photo for our Glimpses post.

For those of you with goods to sell, we have advertising you can afford, largely because it's self-serve. Upload some art, choose a daily or global rate, and publish. It's as little as $2.50 a day. Who's reading, you ask? 60 percent of our readers make more than $60,000 per year. 30 percent earn over $100,000. (That's why that top banner is $30 CPM; we're worth it.) You can also sponsor a whole category.

Okay, the short version is, Thanks for reading. Come back soon!

By Michael van Baker Views (0) | Comments (2) | ( 0 votes)

As the sign says, we're a Seattle news and culture blog. You can subscribe to our home page RSS, or if you want all the sports Seth is capable of (that's a lot, we kid you not), click the sports tab and subscribe to that page. And so on, with each tab. Not everything ends up on the home page. We're coy like that. You can (and probably should) also follow us on our amusing Twitter feed: @thesunbreak. We've also got a fan page on Facebook. Thanks for reading!

Advertisers, you won't even believe how cool our self-service ad platform is. Sometimes I just stare at it. Update your artwork on the fly? Yes, you can! Our ad rates range from $8 CPM for a text ad, to $18 CPM for a mid-page rectangle, to $30 CPM for a top banner or RSS feed banner. We're worth every penny, know why? We're about real, repeat Seattle readership, not fly-by search engine traffic. Non-profits, talk to us. We understand. And, by the way, if you want to sponsor a section or a contest, we can do that, too. Email us ideas: advertise (at) thesunbreak....
