There's lots of great photographers who contribute to our Flickr pool, as evidenced by some of the profiles I've been doing this month. But personally, the one who always surprises and entertains me the most is Lucas Westcoat. His photos range from elegant cityscapes that capture a warmth in Seattle that I, for one, often fail to note, to the occasional documentation of trips to far-flung places, to--and yes, this is probably what gets me the most--surprisingly intimate portraits of the women, whether wandering the park, chilling at Golden Gardens, or getting ready on the wedding day. Some of these we've already used, but I'm happy to put them up again--"Alexis the Bride" is my favorite photo of the year. Thanks to Lucas for contributing, and here's to 2011!...

It is to Lucas Westcoat's credit that this looks picturesque and cozy rather than wet and soggy. (From the SunBreak Flickr pool. Which you should be in, too.)

At the end of the day, another concert, from another perspective, courtesy of Lucas Westcoat. Thanks for sharing.
Hey--are you not a member of the SunBreak Flickr pool? We want to show off your photos! Join up.
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