The SunBreak

Recent Stories with tag shawnmebo Remove Tag RSS Feed

By Michael van Baker Views (78) | Comments (0) | ( 0 votes)

Seattle has so far escaped the clutches of the Puget Sound Convergence Zone this morning; UW meteorologist Cliff Mass has a post up on the hit-and-miss nature of the snowfall, which is whitening Lynnwood to Everett. That being the case, here's some snow anyway, courtesy of shawnmebo and our Flickr pool. It's a gorgeous shot, thanks to the play of light and shadow, and soft and hard outlines.

By josh Views (87) | Comments (0) | ( 0 votes)

The Sunbreak Flickr pool contributor shawnmebo gets up close and personal with an bunch of spring flowers with just enough haziness that you can imagine having forgotten your allergy medications.

By josh Views (117) | Comments (4) | ( 0 votes)

Nareshe brings one of Seattle's vortexes where similarly named streets intersect to the Sunbreak's Flickr pool. This one occurs at the Pike Place Market, where anyone befuddled by the city planning will be find themselves in the company of tourists and plenty of options for fresh snacks while regaining their bearings.

By Audrey Hendrickson Views (84) | Comments (0) | ( +1 votes)

SunBreak Flickr pool member shawnmebo has taken it upon herself to scan and upload images of her family taken over the past hundred years.  That's one form of spring cleaning.  You can check out everything she's done so far in this Flickr folder, but for now just focus on the above sweet-looking thing in a dress, which just so happens to be her dad. (April Fool's Day?)  Let's just say that times (and fashion) were different then.

By Michael van Baker Views (95) | Comments (0) | ( 0 votes)

Spring is in the offing, if not the air itself, and Jack wanted something to promote preparation for a sunny Saturday. Sadly his first pick was a photo we used last week, so here is a beautiful depth-of-fieldy Plan B. Love the darks here. shawnmebo says, "Spring is waving 'hello' with it's stubby little arm!" It's never too early in the season to jump into our SunBreak Flickr pool.

By the way, if you like Seattle photography, don't miss the Superunknownwalk tomorrow. Starts at 2 p.m.

By Michael van Baker Views (80) | Comments (0) | ( 0 votes)

The inquisitive eye of shawnmebo is responsible for this pearly portrait of a doggie named, I'm guessing, Pearl. There's a flat, painting-like quality to everything but that shiny little nose. Say, have you joined our Flickr pool yet?

By Michael van Baker Views (75) | Comments (0) | ( 0 votes)

The overnight low at Capitol Hill's Volunteer Park was 20 degrees last night. It's still only the mid-twenties. People are bundled up like the tundra awaits, and coffee cups are doubling as hand-warmers. At least these two leaves have each other. Thanks for the beautiful frost shot, shawnmebo! (Have the rest of you joined The SunBreak Flickr pool yet?)

By James Callan Views (68) | Comments (0) | ( 0 votes)
Capitol Hill

Capitol Hill gets all eye-candy-fied, thanks to Shawnmebo. (From the SunBreak Flickr pool. Join!)

By James Callan Views (80) | Comments (0) | ( 0 votes)
The Angelic Taco Bus

As this photo demonstrates, Shawnmebo has been rocking her iPhone camera lately. You can find more in the SunBreak Flickr pool—which has been getting a little lonely without you in it, by the way. Join!

By James Callan Views (60) | Comments (0) | ( 0 votes)
Game Day

Wow. Shawn got a lovely photo out of her iPhone and some tilt shift effects. It's digital wizardry, I tell you!

We want to show off your digital wizardry, too. So I'm reminding you: Make the SunBreak Flickr pool more beautiful by adding your photos. Thanks.

By James Callan Views (40) | Comments (0) | ( 0 votes)
Black Boots

Shawnmebo returns with an irresistible monochrome.

(Psst: The SunBreak Flickr pool is here. Join up! Add your photos!)

By James Callan Views (328) | Comments (0) | ( 0 votes)
Cactus Noir

Spotted in our Flickr pool: Shawnmebo gets all Lynchian with her iPhone. Thanks for sharing.

(Psst: The SunBreak Flickr pool is here. Your photos go there.)